Kristen Bealer

The Idiocy Getting home is half the battle. Literally. A parody of Homer's "The Odyssey".
Country Wisdom What really happened during Daria's original stay at Camp Grizzly? A fanfic based on comments and flashbacks from Camp Fear. A response to the Isa/Kristen write-off at the PPMB.
A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing Just another uneventful day at the LHS library. Aside from the ghost, that is. A response to the Isa/Kristen write-off at the PPMB.
The Life and Death of Stacy III Stacy's true motives are at last revealed! Based on the famous opening monologue from William Shakespeare's "Richard III". A response to an Iron Chef issued by Richard Lobinske: Write the cast into one of Shakespeare's plays.
Card Games Ten-year-old Daria has a brush with popularity because of...books? A fanfic based on a photo from "Masochist's Memories" in the Daria Diaries: "I always got invited to slumber parties. I was the only one with an adult library card."