
There are those who write stories, and there are those who write *about* stories. Much like the Fan Artists, these are people who enhance our work. I felt it was worthwhile to commend the efforts of those who support the fanfiction community by digging into the hows and whys of what we do.

Therefore, the Award for the Best Daria Essayist goes to…


I expect a lot of negative feedback on this one. After all, this is CINCgreen we’re talking about, the black sheep of the Daria Fanfic Community.

Let’s face it, the Green One keeps us honest. Isn’t it rather nice to know that if you get a good review from him, he means it? Isn’t it also nice to know that when someone posts a bona-fide piece of crap, someone will have the guts to say so? I don’t agree with everything he says (hell, I doubt if his clone would agree with everything he says) but he makes no compromises and pulls no punches. And, unlike me, he actually gives out cash prizes for his awards.

He’s the reviewer we love to hate. I often think that if he weren’t already here, I’d probably get a pseudonym and a cheap Geocities website, and do exactly what he’s doing. While his choice of words is often harsh, I seldom disagree with his logic as to why he likes or doesn’t like a story. Those who take his scathing reviews too seriously are perhaps missing the point – CINCgreen is trying to get a rise out of people. The fact that he succeeds so often is part of his victory. It’s true that he’s not an author himself, but the world is full of unmarried marriage counselors.

I posted something a while back that said, among other things, that just because CINCgreen hates your story, it doesn’t mean it’s bad. However, I will say that when he likes something, it’s because it’s genuinely good (and I’m not just saying that because he’s liked all my stuff so far).

As for his essays, I’ve found them mostly insightful and interesting to read – I say mostly, because I really don’t care about why he’s called CINCgreen and didn’t read that one. By the way, ever notice that the picture on his website shows a BLUE sink? Odd, that.

But, in any event, CINCgreen’s essays make you think. He voices a few unpleasant truths, like the fact that participation in the fanfic club will go way down when the show ends, and that we often take ourselves way too seriously. His essays get reactions, and once again, that’s exactly what he’s shooting for.

Some of us think he’s hilarious. Some of us may hate him. Be aware that he probably revels in it either way.

Oh, and unlike other authors I’ve awarded, CINCgreen actually *does* have blackmail material on me, but to his credit he’s never used it!

CINCgreen’s Green Sink can be found here.