Submitted By: Contest Entry:

Joe Kerner

This young squirrel loved cop show shows until the day he saw Dennis Franz's ass. Hear his tragic tale.
Squirrel: (sobbing) Ah gosh, had more hair on his bum than I do. WAAAAHHHH!!!
Announcer: Now he can't get through his day without a sip of whiskey.
Squirrel: Did you say Sipowicz? AAHHHHH!!!!
Traumatized tree-dwellers on the next Sick Sad World.

Joe Kerner

If a drunken squirrel falls and there's no one there to hear it, does it still make a noise? Alcoholic animals on the next Sick Sad World.

Joe Kerner

Ever wonder how some animals really manage to hibernate through the winter? Woodland creatures who don't know when to say when on the next Sick Sad World.

Joe Kerner

See the sad true life of some of entertainment's greatest stars. Rocky and Bulwinkle, the untold story on the next Sick Sad World.

Joe Kerner

See the one animal experimention where the animals volunteered, on the next Sick Sad World.

Joe Kerner

The reincarnation of late Cub's announcer Harry Carey discovered at last! On the next Sick Sad World.

Joe Kerner

They said he was underage. He said he was 35 in squirrel years. The next great civil rights battle coming up on Sick Sad World.

Joe Kerner

When the clydesdales went on strike see just how desperate one beer company became. Next on Sick Sad World.

Joe Kerner

The true life of squirrel perverts. You won't want to pee in the woods after hearing this story. Next on Sick Sad World.


First it was beer...then it was Crack! Substance-abuse Squirrels going nuts next, on Sick Sad World!


They got stoned on a can of beer. Then they surrounded a highschooler at the bus stop. The stalker squirrels of Lawndale, next on Sick Sad World.


Are woodland animals turning your trash into improvised musical instruments? The squirrel skiffle band, next on Sick Sad World.

Guy Payne

When flicking your tail and chirping in the tree-tops fail to attract the arboreal beaus, what's a randy li'l tree-rodent to do? Squirrel girls on the Single Bar Scene! Next...on Sick, Sad World!

Anystasia Holmes

Here animals enjoy Budweiser. It may say they do not use tester animals, but tell that to the squirrel that robbed the bank, next on Sick, Sad World.

Geoffrey Roberts

The rodents have discovered alcohol - and we've got mice on martinis and voles in the vodka! Happy hour hamsters next, in a Sick Sad World exclusive.