"Sidebar: Sister Pact"

A 'gap' fic within the 'DF Continuum'

By Steven Galloway
'Daria' is the superb creation of Glen Eichler and Susie Lewis Lynn for MTV, which is a division of Viacom International Inc., and is written solely for the purpose of entertainment and/or enjoyment of the readers of 'Daria' fanfics, and not for profit, so please don't sue me, I'm not rich. This particular 'Daria' fanfic is copyright © 2003 by Steven Galloway, and may be used only with my permission, which basically means that you can freely distribute it as long as you use my name, and not change its contents. My thanks to such books as "The Daria Database" by Peggy Nicoll and the "Daria Diaries" by Anne D. Bernstein for providing valuable information on 'Daria'.

(Note to reader: This takes place one week after the events in "To The Reardon, March!", and "Sty Lark")

Part 1

(Scene One: The Appleton mansion, the study/library. It's a Friday, very early evening.)

Quinn, dressed in a fashionable late summer attire of a pink tank top and white "skort" pants and sandals, sat in the middle of the study, at one of its four mahogany wood antique desks. She was surrounded by her bevy of homework on two accompanying mahogany wood matching antique tables that sat on both sides of the desk.

Quinn suddenly stopped writing and cast an annoyed look at Daria (dressed in her usual attire, of course), who was sitting lazily in an antique easy chair nearby with her right leg draped over the chair's right arm, scribbling on a pad, occasionally flipping a page or two.

QUINN: (Hard sigh:) Daria, do you mind? I'm trying to, like, do my homework, here! You're flipping those pages too loudly, and it's distracting me!

DARIA: (Stops her own writing, looks up, stares with her "expressionless expression", usual deadpan tone:) Despite me having to force myself to become used to seeing you actually doing homework outside of math for a change, it still boggles my mind to now hear the words, "I'm", "trying", "do", and "homework" all coming from you.

QUINN: (Glares:) Oh, that's real funny, Daria! (Sneers, pointed tone:) Just because some people are so brainy that they can do all of their freakin' homework on the jet ride up here, an' can now just goof around, there's no need for them to rub it in everybody else's faces!

DARIA: (Amused, smirks:) You mean like a skin pore moisturizer, or something? (Quinn rolls her eyes) Ease up. For your information, I'm not trying to "goof around". I'm putting on the finishing touches for my presentation of ideas to Mr. Juarez, (bit of an uneasy look:) you know, um, that guy who's gonna be the new editor for TeenLife magazine. Remember, I'll be meeting him tomorrow morning in the Appleton Tower, along with the other new teen writers.

QUINN: (Exasperated expression:) Whatever, Daria. Can't you go to your new drab bedroom upstairs, and finish your writing stuff there? I wanna get most of my homework done, so I can go out with Frenita and Lahita to Reynaldo's tonight!

DARIA: It's totally soundproofed in the study, hence I prefer being in here, (pauses:) and that's Juanita and Laflita.

QUINN: (Sighs, returns to her homework:) Whatever again, Daria...

DARIA: (Pauses, after a moment:) You're not gonna invite that other newest honorary member of your fashion brigade to come along on the clothing safari?

QUINN: (Looks up, stops writing:) Oh, you mean Krystal? (Pauses, brief, uneasy expression:) Um, no, probably not. (Pauses, cocks an eyebrow:) You know, after what you told me about your believing that she was this "Sty Lark" girl, (hesitates:) uh, thanks again for telling me that, by the way.

DARIA: (Briefly surprised by Quinn's appreciative gesture:) Um, sure, no problem. (Pauses, adds:) You wanted to be included with Jane and me in Darren's life, after all. Truth be told, I was kinda amazed that you believed my story. I thought that you'd be at least a little skeptical. After all, as much as I'm convinced that she is, we don't have any real proof Krystal was "Sty Lark", anagram or no. (Sighs, slight frown:) Dammit, I wish there was some way I could find out how Krystal pulled that off...

QUINN: (Inward shudder, thought v.o.: Oh, I believed you, especially after what Fiona had told me about her and Krystal the first time they met...:) Well, did this Cinnamon girl say anything more to either of you guys? Didn't any of you confront her again? She might've suddenly remembered something else.

DARIA: (Mock-pitied smirk at Quinn's misnomer, doesn't bother correcting her:) As you know, Jane decided not to push it after speaking to Krystal, basically because Jane had no hard proof as well, and apparently also Sesame's up and left for parts unknown, since Tom and I found out that she's quit her "gofering" for Mrs. Griffin this past Monday. We also found out where Sesame lived from Jane, but she had also high-tailed it out of her one-room apartment just outside of town.

QUINN: (Cocks an eyebrow:) Isn't that weird how she left so fast after you guys spoke to her about the "Sty Lark" stuff?

DARIA: (Slight scowl:) Yeah, a little too weird, and coincidental. I've half-wondered if Krystal sneaked in some last-second bribery moolah that caused Sesame to hit the road, or something, but since Tom and I ourselves had overheard Sesame being suddenly cut off both literally and financially, it wouldn't make any sense, unless I'm missing something. (Pauses, adds:) Maybe Sesame had her own little "Cabin Fund" stashed away from all of Krystal's little information payments about us, and decided to slink outta town for awhile until the heat cooled off.

QUINN: Do you think that's possible?

DARIA: Anything is at this point, though that's the main theory I'm working on. (Pauses:) I wonder where her boyfriend Rocco lives, in case she's gone there? I think I heard once that it was somewhere in Carter--(stops, corrects herself:) Lawndale County. (Mildly frowns, sighs:) I don't know what's worse, the local idiot politicians who suddenly decided to hold an election to change the name of our county for their stupid "Instant Economic Regional Recognition Factor", or the local idiot voters who allowed them to do this in the first place. If Tip O'Neil were still alive, I'd have given him a medal for his dead-on accuracy.

QUINN: (Raised eyebrows:) Who? Oh, you mean the guy from Massachusetts who served in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1953 to 1987, and was the Speaker from 1977 to 1987? (Daria stares at Quinn, stunned, wide-eyed) Hey, yeah, he did say that "All politics is local", didn't he?

DARIA: (Inwardly impressed despite herself:) Um, yeah, as a matter of fact, he di--

QUINN: (Interrupts, plows on, looks up for an instant:) --I wonder if he was related to our Mr. O'Neill? (Shrugs to Daria's now-blank stare:) Anyway, mom and dad seemed to like the sudden name change, like me, though I'm not old enough to vote yet, like you. (Pauses, mild frown:) What did Jane vote on the name change, since, you know, she could?

DARIA: I don't know how we got so far off the subject, but Jane voted how I would've voted, according to what she told me: "Not at all".

QUINN: (Frowns:) I don't remember hearing about any--(pauses to Daria's sudden smirk, rolls eyes:) oh, ha-ha, Daria. Well, I think I'm not gonna ask Krystal to come with us anyway. (Adds quickly, uneasy chuckle, tries to play it off:) I'm sure that since she's in college and stuff, she'll be too busy to come.

DARIA: (Brief pause, pointed tone:) Uh-huh. Of course.

QUINN: (Catches on to Daria's tone, slight scowl:) What's that supposed to mean?

DARIA: You don't wanna be around Krystal anymore than you have to be, do you, and the "Sty Lark" stuff sealed the deal out on her to you, didn't it? She sorta freaks you out, doesn't she?

QUINN: (Half-dismissive shrug, brief frown:) Oh, puh--leeze, Daria! It's not that at all! (Pauses, hesitates:) I'm not, like--scared of her, or anything--

DARIA: (Mental eyeroll, deadpan skeptical tone:) That's a relief--

QUINN: --I'm just considering her space! (Brightens:) Yeah, that's it! Her space!

DARIA: (Nods:) Ah, I see. (Pauses:) "Space", as in your being here on Earth, and Krystal being, oh, like, somewhere on the planet Pluto, perhaps?

QUINN: (Mild scowl:) Daria!

DARIA: Okay, okay, no more talk about Krystal--(pauses, adds in a very low mumble:) not that I'm complaining... (Quinn stares at Daria for an instant in surprise, shows a very brief look of relief. Daria quickly adds:) Look, I'll try to be a little more quiet in flipping my pages, will that satisfy you?

QUINN: (Brief, suspicious expression:) I guess if you'll really try to do that, then it'll be okay.

The two young women went back to their respective activities. After several minutes, Quinn stopped and stared at Daria, who noticed. Daria promptly stopped writing.

DARIA: Don't tell me that I'm making too much noise in flipping my pages again. (Pauses:) Next thing you'll be saying is that my eyelashes are too loud when they blink.

QUINN: (Droll expression:) Ha. No, I was just wondering about something else. Stacy sure looked sad with Joey, Jeffy, and Jimbo when she and the rest of the Fashion Club saw us off from the airport, didn't she? She almost looked as if she really wanted to cry because she told me she was gonna miss me so much since her parents said she couldn't come this time. I told her I was only going to be gone the whole weekend, and that I'd be back to school Monday.

DARIA: (Glancing at her pages:) I didn't notice. Besides, Stacy's always worked up about something. (Slightly smirks, looks up at Quinn:) Why, she'd probably cry an ocean at the thought of the cancellation of her favorite TV show the Teletubbies, or something. (Pauses, stares to Quinn's mild scowl:) What's your point?

QUINN: I was just thinking--what if she wasn't missing me, but bein' with Rory instead? (Daria cocks an eyebrow) I sometimes think about seeing her and him that night at the lake during the party, and my concern about her being with him alone, and everything, remember?

DARIA: Sure, we were told by you and Tina. (Pauses:) And Rory McKinna is relevent, how--?

QUINN: Well, Stacy let it slip out to the Fashion Club a couple of days ago in school about him, actually saying that she wanted to see him again. (Daria's eyes narrow) She then quickly said that she didn't mean it in that way. Stacy said she just wanted to talk to him again, you know, about small stuff.

DARIA: (Sarcastic tone:) About what "small stuff", I wonder? What color shirt she thinks Rory should wear with his all-cotton blue jeans? (Pauses, realizes:) Wait a second. Do you think Stacy's been in touch with that creep since, somehow, like by phone, or even by the Internet?

QUINN: (Shakes head:) I dunno, maybe. I mean, like, I didn't see him slipping to her some number to call, or anything when we came out on the pier, but still--(worried expression:) d'you think something really happened between them that night? I know Stacy said nothing did, but--

DARIA: (Brief pause:) You think she's--(hesitates:) lying?

QUINN: (Frowns:) God, Daria, This is Stacy! I know she's not a liar! (Adds:) I mean, if that were the case, the other members of the Fashion Club or I would've just asked her right out! Stacy'd be the last person who'd do something like that!

DARIA: (Resumes writing:) Then I guess you have nothing to worry about, do you? (After a moment, notices Quinn's still-worried expression, stops, sighs:) Quinn, since you and the others believe that Stacy's hiding nothing from her end, then I think we both know there's only one way to find out if anything really happened from the other end...

QUINN: (Uneasy expression, gasps:) Y'mean, I'll haveta ask Krystal if her brother's been up to anything, and stuff?

DARIA: (Nods:) Unfortunately, yeah. Since you decided not to extend an invitation to her to your little fashion excursion, the only other thing I can think of is if you could ask Darren to--

At that moment, Darren, dressed in casual summer clothing, walked into the study while on his cellphone, interrupting Daria.

DARREN: Hang on a second, Leonard. (Covers phone:) Asking me to ask who what, sis?

DARIA: (Stands with Quinn, glances at her and vice-versa:) Um, asking Krystal about Rory. Quinn thinks he still might be talking to Stacy on the side, somehow. She said Stacy wished she could speak to him again this past week at our school, but quickly tried to play it off. (Quinn nods anxiously in agreement)

DARREN: (Mild frown, comes over with Daria to Quinn:) If Rory knows what's good for him, he'd better not be. (Worried expression, now:) If Stacy is longing to see him again like you think, Quinn, then this isn't good. I can ask Krystal myself, if you'd like, to see if he's been doing anything sneaky, (pauses, adds:) though I'm sure Krystal would've said something to me beforehand if he had. I remembered she looked pretty ticked off when you and Tina told us about them, even though she tried not to show it.

QUINN: (Brightens, smiles, thought v.o.: Great! At least I don't haveta deal with Krystal!:) Thanks for doing that, Darren!

DARREN: No Problem. (Pauses, quieter tone:) I'm also pretty sure Krystal really hates the way her brother is, and it embarasses her to no end. She's told me that he doesn't care what she thinks of him, and his girl-getting tendencies. (Quinn says nothing, but appears to think about this. Daria ponders about what Darren has said silently as well, recalling her surprise at Krystal's reaction to Stacy and Rory)

Darren took note of his sister's reactions for an instant, then uncovered his cellphone.

DARREN: Leonard, if that's all about the monthly financial report, can we end this conversation? (Pauses, nods:) Thanks. Okay, I'll tell Daria and Quinn that, 'bye. (Shuts phone, stuffs in his shirt pocket:) Leonard says hello.

DARIA: (Deadpan:) And a "hello" to him right back. (Darren mildly chuckles) So, you're finished with your monthly check on your personal gazillions, huh?

DARREN: (Shows Daria a slight smile:) Yeah. If I want to keep on top of where my money's going and coming, I'd better do this. Usually, I'd meet with Leonard and my accountants face-to-face, but I've gotten him to tell me by phone what's what for this month. (Sighs:) I could turn it all over to them and not worry, but that's not something I want to do. I want to be a "hand's on" person, like my parents were with our personal fortune. (Pauses:) Both of them met with Leonard every month, like clockwork.

DARIA: (After a moment glances at Quinn and vice-versa:) I guess we can understand that. You'd want to prove that you can handle your money, not only to yourself--

DARREN: (Nods, takes it up:) --But also to others, particularly in the company, that I can do this.

QUINN: Huh? Why would anybody in your company care about how you handle your money, Darren?

DARREN: (Ponders, hesitates, then relents:) There have been recent rumors in some of the hallways at Appleton Industries that I'm getting something of a "cushy ride" to taking over the Chairmanship someday. (Daria and Quinn glance at each other) It's all from employee remnants of my uncle William's who were still loyal to him, believe it or not. They're not too many of them, but they're enough to cause a minor stir. They think that if I'm not handling my money right, then I certainly wouldn't be able to handle the company's money right. If I turned over the way my money's handled to Leonard, even though I could trust him to do right with it, they'd think I'd do the same with the company by not getting involved, and not take the Chairmanship seriously.

DARIA: (Sarcastic:) Oh, and never mind that they'd conviently forget the fact that you did the "right thing" in turning over the operations of Appleton Industries to your uncle, their benefactor, whom you thought you could trust--? He did everything to himself, and paid the ultimate price. (Slight frown and snarling tone:) They should either get over it, or get the hell out the company, and take their generous severance pay. (Quinn nods in agreement. Darren cocks an eyebrow in mild surprise at Daria's tone) I'm kinda surprised that Constance hasn't done some (pointed tone:) "reassignments", or even forced some early retirements.

DARREN: In some cases she actually has when one or two people have complained too loudly, but mostly because the remaining few dissenters are really good employees, and have been around long enough to have some clout with our Board of Directors, she hasn't. Plus, it's just mumbling, and nothing else. The majority of them know better than to say something really nasty, at least outright.

QUINN: (Frowns:) Yeah, well, still, it's not fair that some people are getting mad with you, Darren! It's just plain dumb, if you ask me!

DARREN: (Slight smile:) It's okay, Quinn. I don't let it bother me, really. I've had--(pauses:) years of experience dealing with people who think like that. I'm used to it.

DARIA: (After a moment, off-handedly:) Uh, has Leonard heard anything else more on James Bowman's death?

DARREN: (Shakes head:) No. The police and the FBI haven't added anything. Right now, the official word is that he was killed in that SUV accident. (Shrugs:) I have no reason to believe that it was anything else--(adds, lower tone, looks off:) yet. (Daria and Quinn look at each other) I do know, though, that I'm not going to attempt to take over Bowman's company. My partners have also nixed the idea, even though I've heard that the corporate climate is so chaotic at Bowman Industries, just about anybody could move in and raid his company.

DARIA: (Quiet deadpan:) The vultures circle the soon-to-be carcass. (Darren shows a weak smirk) Moving on to other unpleasant things, how about Edward, (quickly adds:) or as you prefer to call him, "Mr. White"? Has Woo found out anything new on where that sneaky bastard might've gone to?

DARREN: (Slight scowl:) No, unfortunately. It's as if "Mr. White" has vanished from the face of the earth. (Wry smirk:) Did Jane tell you about why she thought he jumped bail?

DARIA: Yeah, to look for aunt Millie so he could kiss her ass and "sincerely" apologize for what he did. She told me you found her reason hard to believe--(pauses:) like me. It would seem like a big stretch for him to do that, risking his hide just to a pull a serious mea culpa to aunt Millie.

QUINN: (Frowns, looks between the two:) Huh? A what?

DARREN: A "mea culpa", Quinn. It's a Latin phrase meaning, "through my fault". (Daria shows an mildly impressed expression) It's a formal acknowledgement of personal fault or error. (Pauses, deep scowl:) I hope "Mr. White" really isn't trying to find aunt Millie, for his sake, because if he is--(pauses, slowly smirks at the two as he forms an idea:) I wonder...

DARIA: (Cocks an eyebrow, returns smirk:) If it's what I think you're thinking, then I think you might be onto something, bro.

QUINN: (Frowns, looks between the two again:) Now what?

DARREN: (Crafty look:) Why not put Jane's theory about "Mr. White" trying to find aunt Millie to the test?

QUINN: (Jumps in before Daria can speak, gasps, grins:) Oh, I get it, now! Like, you're gonna set up a trap for him, right? Then if Ed--uh, "Mr. White" tries to see if aunt Millie's there, wherever "there" is, the police can catch him?

DARIA: (Deadpan, slight smirk:) Bam, hit that nail on the head, didn't you? (Quinn shows a brief glare, but stays silent)

DARREN: (Gives Daria a brief, exasperated look, but also keeps his tongue:) That's the idea, Quinn. I'll contact Woo later on tonight, and see where we can go to from there. (Sighs, looks off:) I hope aunt Millie's doing okay, wherever she is. I wish she'd call again...(Daria and Quinn quietly look at each other)

DARIA: (Suddenly realizes something else, glances around:) Ummm, Darren--? It's just occurred to me, (Darren begins to grin, guessing what she's about to say) you're in the study with us, and you're not getting uncomfortable.

QUINN: (Gasps, realizes as well, looks around for an instant:) Hey, yeah, you're not!

DARREN: (Keeping the grin:) I wondered when you two would notice. I'm basically over my fears of the study. I asked Jane not to say anything to you when I called her last night, and I'll call Helen and Jake tomorrow to tell them. Dr. Quinn told me that seeing Stephanie's parents again last week apparently helped me deal with my nightmares, it seems. I've been in here just about everyday since, staying as long as I wanted, even studying for my classes at Eastward. (Adds:) Curtis and Krystal know about it, too.

QUINN: (Delighted:) That's great, Darren! (Hugs him. Daria shows a small smile, not quite Mona Lisa)

DARREN: (Releases her:) Thanks, sis. (Glances at Quinn's sprawled-out schoolwork on the desk and tables, impressed tone:) Hey, you've really jumped into your homework, haven't you?

QUINN: (In her so-called "modest" tone, chuckles:) Well, yeah. David said it was really important for me to get at least as much of my school stuff done as soon as possible while I'm up here, and not to--(slight frown:) what's that word he used? (Pauses, ponders for an instant:) Oh, yeah, procrastinate, 'cause it would be harder for me to start on it if I tried to do it all at the last second. (Adds:) I'm doing this at home, too.

DARIA: (Deadpan, smirks:) I'm impressed. You've learned how to say four-syllable words, and know what they mean. (Pauses:) There's hope for you after all.

QUINN: (Frowns:) Hey!

DARREN: (Very mild admonishing tone, cocked eyebrow:) Daria...

DARIA: (Holds hand up:) Okay, alright, I went a little too far, I admit. Apologies to all.

QUINN: (Gives a brief snort, crosses arms, softens to Darren's hopeful expression:) We--ell, okay then, apology accepted, and everything. (Pauses, adds as she glances at Darren, which Daria notices:) Uh, Daria--?

DARIA: (Narrows eyes slightly, wondering what she's up to:) Yeesss?

QUINN: Can we, like, call a truce while we're up here, you know, like on the last day or two when we were here before? (Daria and Darren both look surprised) I kinda wanna enjoy myself this weekend without all of the, you know, (pauses, looks for right word:) um, "teasing" we usually throw at each other at home, and everything.

DARIA: (Considers this. Privately, she's mildly shocked at herself because she's actually relieved Quinn's initiated it:) Well, you're sorta depriving me of my means of living, Quinn, (Darren grins while Quinn gives her a brief eyeroll) but yeah, I guess we can make a pact of some sort for peace here until we get back to the home roost. (Pauses:) Deal.

DARREN: (Approving smile:) Good. I'm glad you two agreed to get along up here, ("sighs", "sad" expression:) though I admit it's going to be really dull around here with you two at peace...(cocks an eyebrow while both sisters give him a droll look, realizes:) so, it's "David", huh, and not "Mr. Sorenson", Quinn? (Slight chuckle:) What, are you on a first-name basis with your tutor, now? (Daria cuts her eyes at Quinn, stays silent)

QUINN: (Slight smile and giggle, dismissive wave:) Ohhh, well, yeah, but David and I know each other pretty well enough to call one another by our first names, Darren. Besides, he's kinda too young for me to call him "Mr. Sorenson", you know, unlike my teachers--? (Smirks:) He's only a year older than you, remember?

DARREN: (After a moment:) Oh, that's right. (Pauses as he seems to consider what Quinn's said, sneaks a glance at Daria:) I guess I can understand that. (Small smile:) From what I've heard, your grades have really improved.

QUINN: (Smiles in return, a mild, dreamy expression in which Darren takes note of with Daria, sighs:) Yeah, thanks to David, I'm learning about a lot of things. He's really helped me. (Stretches:) Wow, I'm kinda beat. I've finished most of my homework, anyway. I think I'll do the rest tomorrow night. Would it be alright if I just leave my stuff laid out in here, Darren? I don't wanna take it up to my room.

DARREN: Sure, Quinn. I'll let the staff know. (Looks at watch:) I think Henri's said that dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes.

QUINN: (Nods:) Good. I'll just have enough time to shower, change, and eat, then get ready to go out to Reynaldo's with--(pauses, narrows eyes to remember, gives Daria a slight, warning expression not to make a crack:) wiiith--

DARIA: (Thought v.o., subtly bites lip as she notices Quinn's look: Must--not--use--sarcasm--tempting--as--it--is...)

DARREN: (After a moment:) Uh, with Juanita and Laflita, Quinn. (Grins:) Don't tell me all of that studying's dulled your newly-sharpened brain--? (Daria smirks) If I were you, I'd repeat their names to myself before seeing them tonight, so I wouldn't forget, and possibly insult them.

QUINN: (Mock-outrage:) Hey! Why are you doing the insulting?

DARREN: (Chuckles:) Because I didn't make that peace pact like Daria did, sis. Besides, someone's got to make it at least a little hard for you up here if Daria can't do it, right?

DARIA: (Mock deadpan, still with her smirk:) Amen, brother, preach it, spit out that fire.

QUINN: (Grins, playfully swats at a laughing Darren, who draws back:) Oh, and you're not gonna go after Daria, is that it, just me?

DARREN: Don't worry, Quinn. (Cuts eyes at Daria, wry tone:) I'll throw some barbs at our sister, just to make it fair.

DARIA: (Amused tone:) Bring 'em on, Darren. You haven't seen even a fraction of my comebacks.

DARREN: (Tone of mock dread:) Then I guess I'll find out the rest of them while you're up here, huh?

DARIA: (Bemused look:) I guess you will. When do you plan to start the slugfest? (All walk out of the study)

DARREN: (Grins:) When you least expect it. (Pauses:) Take right now, for example. Your good buddy Dean Pierpoint happened to have spotted me on campus yesterday, "Maria". (Daria gives him a droll eyeroll, while Quinn smirks) He wanted to tell me to wish you good luck for tomorrow when you meet Mr. Juarez. (To Daria's quizzical frown, smirks:) I made sure to tell him about it. (Quinn grins fiendishly to Daria)

DARIA: (Slightly annoyed tone, droll:) You're bound and determined not make it to your 20th birthday, aren't you? (Darren and Quinn chuckle) (Daria pauses, then in a very deadpan voice, even for her, sighs, slumps:) I'll be sure to use his brilliantly inspirational words to strengthen me. I'm convinced that they'll be the deciding factor to help me get through tomorrow.

Quinn and Darren, both picking up the ever-so-subtle doubtful-sounding tone in Daria's voice, glanced at each other as the trio came into the foyer. They stopped.

DARREN: (Cocks an eyebrow, tepid tone:) Uh, Daria--? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were having second thoughts about meeting Mr. Juarez with those other teen writers.

QUINN: (Snorts:) Yeah! I mean, you've practically gotten that writing job, and everything, it's just a little get-together session! What's the big deal?

DARIA: (Slight frown, annoyed:) I am not having second thoughts, and it's not a big deal. (Pauses:) I'm, um, just a little nervous about meeting Mr. Juarez, that's all. (In a dismissive tone, a bit rushed:) When Henri's ready with the grub, call me in my room by the intercom. Excuse me. (Quickly goes up the grand stairs)

Quinn and Darren watched Daria go out of sight after she reached the top of the stairs, then turned to each other.

QUINN: (Lower tone of genuine surprise:) Gee, I never thought that Daria would be kinda nervous of just meeting some people, (adds nonchalantly:) though when I think about it, she's always not wanted to meet any at all if she could help it--

DARREN: (Narrows eyes:) No, I don't think Daria's nervous, Quinn. I think our sister's beginning to have that feeling of needing self-confidence again. (Quinn cocks an eyebrow. Darren adds:) Don't you remember--? Our little conversation about her that night on the lake over Daria taking that job offer from Constance?

QUINN: (Considers:) Oh, yeah! I remember now! I was sort of shocked that Daria of all people would've been that way...

DARREN: (Nods:) Right. (Pauses, grim expression as he looks up the stairs again:) I just hope she can snap out of her funk by tomorrow.

QUINN: (Small shrug:) Huh. Knowing Daria, that's kinda stretching it, and everything. See you in a few minutes for dinner, Darren! (Bounces up the grand stairs)

DARREN: (Watches her go up:) Okay, Quinn. (Ponders for a moment, then reaches in his pocket for his cellphone, thought v.o.: Why not? It's sort of vicious, but it worked for me, even though Uncle William didn't like it, which actually makes it better...) (Dials, pauses:) Hello, Constance? It's Darren. (Smirks:) I figured you'd still be at work this late. (Pauses, grins:) Okay, okay, sorry for the smart-alecky joke! Seriously, though, you should get off earlier on a Friday evening, and get a life. Anyway, I need your help. It's about my sister, Daria. (Pauses, nods:) Yeah, she and Quinn are here already. Look, I needed to ask a big favor of you concerning Daria over her meeting tomorrow...


(Scene Two: Upstairs)

Daria laid on her back, spread-out on her king-sized bed in her specially-made padded room, and stared at the ceiling impassively, her notepad from the study lying at the foot of her bed. After a moment, she gave a loud sigh. Face it, Morgendorffer, you're unsure of this meeting because you don't have enough confidence in yourself. I thought I could ace this before, but now, I'm not so sure. What if this "Juarez" character suddenly pulls something out of his damn hat that I can't answer about this writing job?

Daria showed a deep frown. What's worse is that he might do it in front of all of the other teen-aged writers who've come from around the country to join in on this little writing venture. I can sure as hell see him hone in on me because of my blood relation to Darren, which is the real problem of all of this. Mr. Juarez probably would feel like he'd have to ask me something difficult just to give my peers the impression that I didn't get a free pass into having this job. Stupid, fleeting, self-confidence. I wish it would hang around me more often like that damn, lousy, pesky conscience...

Daria gave another loud sigh as she continued to stare at the ceiling. Dammit, no cracks to count to help me think. My brother's "palace" may be old, but it's in one hell of a tip-top shape. Daria turned to her bedroom phone on the right end table, staring longingly. Crap, Jane's at another of her art shows right now, and Tom's out of town with his folks. Can't call them. I'd talk to Darren, but he'd just pat me on the back, and tell me not to worry again, which would make me feel even worse. Mom's more than likely at home, but I'm not gonna bother her with this, especially since she's spending some time alone with dad this weekend, and both looked forward to that all week. Face it, Morgendorffer, you're all alone on this. On the bright side, at least you're having one of those splendid, but nevertheless nutty little mental conversations with yourself, again...

Daria's glum expression suddenly brightened (if one can imagine that). How about Aunt Amy? Maybe she's at her pad...

Daria reached over and dialed her phone, simultaneously sitting up. After a few rings, Amy's answering machine came on.

AMY: (Voice on machine:) Hello, you've reached my place. Obviously, I'm not here, so that means you'll have to call me back. If it's important, and it had better damn well be for you to bother me like this, (Daria gives a weak smirk) then I'll answer your call, buster. Wait for the beep, and pray that I'll get back to you. (The machine beeps)

DARIA: (Hesitates for a moment:) Um, hello, Amy--? It's Daria. When you get back in tonight, could you call me at Darren's? The operator here can connect you to my room, at least up to 11:00. If you call after that time, the phone will ring in my room directly. Don't worry if you wake me up. (Pauses:) I really need to speak to you, it's pretty important. Thanks. (Hangs up phone)

Daria gave a small sigh, then reached over the left side of her bed on her stomach, and picked up a book off the floor. She opened it, sat up against the headboard of her bed, and began to read.


(Scene Three: The mansion's dining room, about an hour later)

Daria, Quinn, and Darren sat at one end of the long dining table together while Fiona was clearing the dishes with Elenor. Quinn, having showered and changed into a white short-sleeved blouse and pink "skort" with sandals, was her usual chatty self, while Daria, as she had been throughout the dinner on occasion, seemed to be distracted, only speaking a little now and then.

Darren had taken a brief notice of his middle sister's demeanor, all the while listening to his youngest sister's excitement about going to Reynaldo's with Juanita and Laflita, as well as the taste of Henri's cooking, which at one point Quinn had said was better than that of Chez Pierre, and she made it a point to tell the French chef face-to-face. Of course, Henri, who considered his food far superior to that of any restaurant's, was delighted. All of this mildly stunned Daria, who had to refrain yet again from releasing another sarcastic quip, thanks to her "pact" with Quinn, which only added to Daria's personal distress about tomorrow's meeting, since she couldn't release any pent-up stress on her sister.

QUINN: (Daintily wipes her mouth with cloth napkin, smiles contentedly:) I know I've said it once before, but that "Siberian Pelmeni" stuff we had was great, Darren, and so was that "Seven Layer" salad! (Drinks diet soda, quickly continues:) Oh, and I loved that dessert! (Slight frown:) What was it called again?

DARREN: (Smiles:) "Ginger-pineapple upside-down cake", sis. I've actually made it once myself, but it wasn't as good as Henri's, obviously. (Pauses, cocks an eyebrow:) How was your's, Daria?

DARIA: (Snaps out:) Huh? Oh, it was pretty good. It wasn't too salty, and the meat was perfectly cooked. In fact, it was probably the best home-cooked meal I've eaten in a long while. (Quinn looks stunned, wide-eyed, which Daria and Darren take note of:) What?

QUINN: You're giving a compliment on food other than on that greasy pizza stuff you an' Jane usually eat, Daria? (Snorts, smirks:) Will wonders never cease?

DARIA: (Slight scowl, thought v.o.: I held back going after her taste in cusine, but she's charging full-speed ahead after my taste? We'll see about that...:) Well now, this has suddenly taken an interesting turn. Are we having second thoughts on our little "pact", sis? You've just insulted me, you know. (Darren drops an eyebrow at Daria, while Elenor and Fiona glance at one another uncomfortably, continue to clear the table)

QUINN: (Frowns:) Hey! I didn't insult you, Daria! It's just that it's so rare for me to hear you say something good about food other than pizza, that's all!

DARIA: (Her scowl a little more pronounced, sneers in her deadpan tone:) Gee, Quinn, considering that we have "Chef Jake" at home preparing the vast majority of our usual meals, why shouldn't that be rare? (Pauses, realizes, goes on before Quinn can:) Oh, and it's not like I can give a compliment at all, is that what you're inferring? For your information, I have done so once in awhile, believe it or not! (Pauses:) Hell, it's even happened with other things outside of food, too!

DARREN: (Sensing the conversation is getting out of control:) Uh, maybe you two should--

QUINN: (Interrupts, ditto with her increasing scowl:) --Oh, yeah? When? What about? I don't seem to recall anything--

DARIA: (Cuts her off, wry, evil smirk:) --And there's something that'll never go out of style, like your love of fashion, will it? Your so-called "recalls", which are painfully selective. I'm surprised that you can recall something like what Brittany Spears could wear last week in a concert in Singapore right down to her shiny little short-shorts, but yet when it comes to the names of, oh, say, Curtis' sisters, (adds under her breath:) or just about anyone or anything else for that matter, (Quinn's mouth drops in disbelief and outrage) you couldn't recall your way out of a paper bag, much less know how to open one.

QUINN: (Red-faced, jumps up:) WHY, YOU--

FROM THE SIDE: (Incredibly loud:) UUURRRRRRRRRRRRRP! Ahhhhh...

Both girls looked over shockingly at Darren, who sat back and patted his stomach, smiling. Elenor gave him a mild scowl of admonishment, while Fiona descreetly covered her mouth, releasing a tiny giggle.

QUINN: (Disgusted expression, shudders:) Daaaren! EWWWWWWW!

DARIA: (Mild expression of impression and amusement, rubs chin briefly, as in deep thought:) Hm. Not bad, not bad at all. You could work on the last part of your belch a little more, though, and let that gastric juice really kick in your belly. I could give you a few pointers later... (Quinn glares at her, rolls eyes, while Fiona's chuckle is a little more pronounced)

ELENOR: (Shows a quick glare at Fiona, who immediately resumes finishing clearing the dishes. Elenor puts her hands on her hips:) Master Darren! If I may say so, sir, that was most uncalled for! (Pauses, adds, narrows eyes:) You haven't done that in years! (Daria and Quinn glance at each other in surprise)

DARREN: (Grins while Elenor joins Fiona:) Sorry, Elenor, you're right, it was uncalled for. (Turns to his sisters:) However, I figured a good, loud belch could end what I consider to be pointless arguing between them both. (More serious expression, tone:) You two are supposed to relax up here this weekend, remember? You made a "peace pact", you know.

The two Morgendorffer sisters glanced at one another, their hardened expressions showing for the briefest instant, then softened.

QUINN: Um, I'm sorry, Daria. (Adds:) You do give a compliment on occasion, I guess.

DARIA: Yeah, uh, me too, Quinn. (Adds:) And you, er, do "recall" things more than just fashion. (Pauses, remembers:) Ah, take what you said about Tip O'Neil earlier. (Pauses:) I was, um, really impressed with your knowledge of him.

QUINN: (Clearly shocked:) Oh, uh, really? (Slight smirk, now:) Was that a compliment?

DARIA: (Now clearly embarassed, but gamely continues, returns the smirk:) Uh, yeah, I guess it was, and you'll notice that it wasn't about pizza, either. (Hesitates, adds:) That "David" guy's tutoring is paying off, it seems...

Darren paused on this, and was about to speak, but at the next instant, Claude walked into the dining room.

CLAUDE: (Slight bow:) Pardon me for interrupting, Master Darren, but Master Curtis has just arrived on the mansion's grounds with Miss Juanita and Miss Laflita. (Adds:) Miss Krystal is also with them, having followed in her own vehicle. (Daria and Quinn glance at each other, slightly surprised. Fiona, having come back in from the kitchen with Elenor, shows a quick, pained expression, while Elenor narrows her eyes, as if in deep thought. Both aren't noticed by the others as they finish clearing the dishes)

DARREN: (Smiles:) Thanks, Claude. (Claude bows slightly again, leaves) Curtis and I are going to do our own studying in the library while you're gone, Quinn. Don't worry, we won't disturb your stuff. (Slight frown:) I'm kind of surprised Krystal's here, though. Maybe she wants to study with us as well. She usually uses her class time off on Fridays to get her schoolwork done, then have the entire weekend off to herself. (Chuckles:) Curtis and I both envy her. (Shrugs:) I guess I can ask her about Rory then. We'll meet them in the foyer. (Rises out of seat, leaves. After a moment, Daria does the same, joins Quinn, and follow)

Quinn leaned over to Daria, speaking in a very low tone.

QUINN: Why'd you think Krystal's coming here, Daria?

DARIA: (Shrugs, also in a low voice:) Eh, damned if I know. I guess we'll find out in a minute. (Pauses:) Other than maybe just wanting to see us, (even lower tone to herself, sarcastic:) to keep up an "appearance" of nicety in front of Darren, no doubt, (resumes lower voice:) maybe she really is here to do some studying, or something. I'd be suspicious of her "motives" if Curtis weren't here, but since he is, I'm not too worried. (Pauses, realizes:) Hold it. Maybe I do know why she's here.

QUINN: (Raised eyebrows:) You do? Why?

DARIA: (Slightly rushed tone, leans over to her:) We're in the foyer now, can't explain. I think you'll find out soon enough on your own, anyway, though it should be obvious enough if you really think about it...

Quinn cocked an eyebrow in puzzlement at Daria as they both stopped with Darren in the foyer. Claude opened the door, and a smiling Curtis walked in with his sisters, followed by Krystal. Curtis slapped his right hand in greeting with Darren while holding his bookbag with the other. During the customary exchange of salutations between everyone, Daria stared stoically at Krystal, who spotted her out of the corner of her eye while turning to Quinn.

KRYSTAL: (Smiles:) Quinn, I happened to get a call a few hours ago from Juanita and Laflita that you were going to go with them to Reynaldo's tonight. (Quinn glances at the two smiling twins) They assumed that I already knew, and wanted to ask me what time was I going to be ready. (Slight smirk to Quinn:) Imagine my surprise--(motions head:) and their's, when I told them that I knew nothing about this. (Pauses, cocks an eyebrow:) Why didn't you let me know? I wanted to go with you all, since I am an "honorary member" of your Fashion Club, too.

JUANITA: (Nods, grins:) Yeah. What's up?

LAFLITA: (Ditto with the nodding, smirks:) Don't tell us that you forgot about Krystal, Quinn? (Darren and Curtis glance at each other)

DARIA: (Thought v.o., narrows eyes: Shrewd. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that Krystal's subtly manipulating Curtis' sisters to "double-team" an embarassed Quinn, and make her feel even worse, especially in front of Darren. Can't believe I'm gonna do this...:) Um, Quinn told me she figured that you'd be too busy with your college activities and stuff to go along, right, Quinn? (Quinn clearly looks surprised for an instant, then grateful to Daria)

QUINN: (Brief chuckle, shrugs:) Uh, yeah, Daria's right, that's what I thought, I told her that. Sorry, Krystal, guys.

KRYSTAL: (Pauses for a brief instant, as if she's considering this. After a moment, waves hand, chuckles:) Well, it's true that I do have a full itinerary on my college activites outside of my studies, so under the circumstances, I guess there's no harm done, right, you two?

JUANITA: Yeah, don't worry about it, girlfriend.

LAFLITA: Things like that happen, and stuff.

KRYSTAL: (Nods:) Exactly. We can all go in my car, and I can drop off Juanita and Laflita afterwards so they don't have to come back here for Curtis. (Looks around, smiles:) I also wanted to get something for Trent and his group to wear as well, you know, to update their wardrobe some.

DARIA: We are talking about Trent, right? Jane told me once that he fought her like hell when she wanted him to try on a new suit a few years ago for a wedding, before I first met her. He claimed that he'd look too much like "The Man", and that he'd never wear anything other than his own clothes, save for an old, moth-eaten black suit for those rare, special events, such as said weddings or funerals. Jane threatened to sandblast his room clean if he didn't. (Everyone chuckles) Trent finally relented, but he still didn't get the suit. That was the last time Jane attempted to get him into any other clothes.

KRYSTAL: (Smug expression:) Well, I have my ways of making him look presentable, Daria. After all, he and the other band members are going to have to look at least a little more respectable for those possible future meetings with recording producers, right?

DARIA: (Slightly offended tone:) And what's wrong with the way Trent and the guys look right now, if I may ask? He and the fellows might not take it too kindly that you're suddenly coming in and updating their all-too-reliable wardrobe, you know. (Krystal shows a very slight smirk at the way Daria's asked the question. Darren shows Daria an inquisitive expression, stays silent)

KRYSTAL: (Grins, "innocent" tone:) Why, nothing at all, Daria, I didn't mean to imply anything, but grunge is beginning to fall out of style, according to the latest issue of Waif magazine, (turns to, cocks an eyebrow:) right, Juanita? Laflita? (Pauses for emphasis:) Quinn?

QUINN: (Ponders this, slight frown, thought v.o.: I guess Krystal is paying some attention to the Fashion Club's business, isn't she?:) Um, yeah, when I think about it, the latest issue did say that, didn't it?

JUANITA & LAFLITA: (Both nod:) Yeah, it does. Uh-huh, she's got that right. (Krystal shows Daria a "See?" smirk)

DARIA: (Thought v.o.: More shrewdness. Krystal's holding the "holy fashion grail" that "Waif" is to the Fashion Club up to Quinn's face, and has Curtis' sisters in march-step as well.) (In a subtle, condescending tone, crosses arms:) Looks as if you've gotten me there. How can I argue against such dazzling logic as that? (Once again, Darren shows Daria an inquisitive expression, but stays silent) I'm sure Trent and the guys will deeply appreciate looking like "Boys R' Guys", right, sis?

QUINN: (Uneasy chuckle, small glare at Daria:) We--ell, I don't think--

KRYSTAL: (Quickly but gently interrupts, forced chuckle:) --Don't worry, Daria. Trent and Mystik Spiral won't look like they belong on a fashion runway while doing a music video, I promise. (Small smirk, glances at Darren:) I'll bring Trent and his group the new clothing when I visit him. I'll be coming with Darren when he visits you all in a few weeks. (Pauses, cuts eyes to a now-surprised Darren:) Didn't he tell you both, yet?

DARIA: (Glances at Darren with Quinn, cocked eyebrow:) No, I think it kinda slipped his mind...

DARREN: (After a moment, now stares at Krystal, narrows eyes:) Actually, it didn't, Daria, since I just found out about this myself--

KRYSTAL: (Mischievous grin and tone:) --Ooops! Silly me! I thought I had said something earlier! (Pauses, "pleading" tone, "puppy dog" look:) Um, you don't mind, do you, Darren? I just spoke to Trent about this right before I came here, (adds, particularly to Quinn:) and right after I called and spoke to Lilith about keeping Reynaldo's open just for us past their closing time. We'll be able to stay as long as we want, by the way. (Quinn looks surprised at first, then delighted, like Juanita and Laflita. Daria shows no expression) Trent told me I could stay in his house when I come, too. (Daria now cocks a very high eyebrow with Quinn. Krystal continues in a "matter-of-fact" tone:) I certainly didn't want to impose, but he said there'd be no problem, that they had plenty of room. (Adds tepidly:) It's--okay if I come with you, isn't it, Darren?

DARREN: (Pauses:) Uh, of course it's okay, Krystal. (Chuckles:) There's plenty of room on the jet.

KRYSTAL: (Notices Daria's slight scowl, quickly adds in a "contrite" tone and expression:) Sorry for waiting until now to ask you, Darren. Don't worry, I can pay for any--

DARREN: (Holds hand up, interrupts:) --Don't be ridiculous, Krystal. We're going in the same direction, anyway. You don't have to pay for anything--

KRYSTAL: (Cuts him off, insists:) --Yes, I do, Darren, (frowns:) and I'm not going to take "no" for an answer. (Smirks:) No "handouts" for either of us from you, right, Curtis?

CURTIS: (Slight smirk:) She's got me there, Darren, though you've given me free reign over eating you out of house and home here at your place. (Pauses, grins to Darren's eyeroll:) I say charge her to the limit, just to make it fair. Why, you could probably look it up on the Internet for airline prices. (Juanita and Laflita chuckle, as does Quinn, though more reluctantly. Daria resumes her impassive expression)

DARREN: (Shrugs, chuckles:) Fine, it's your money...

KRYSTAL: (Satisfied expression:) Good, and to be honest, Curtis actually has a point about getting a price of some sort off the Internet, comparable to an actual airline fee, don't you think? (Curtis looks surprised) Whatever the price, I'll pay for it, no questions asked, (determined expression, before Darren can speak:) and I mean that, Darren.

DARIA: (Forms an idea, inwardly smirks, speaks up:) If you want, I'll volunteer to look it up on my bedroom's computer while you guys are gone. (Everyone looks surprised, especially Krystal and Quinn) I don't have anything to do better tonight, anyway. I can give you something when you get back with Quinn, Krystal.

KRYSTAL: (After a moment, weak shrug:) Er, sure, I suppose that's alright. Thanks, Daria.

DARIA: No problem. (Pauses, adds with an ever-so-subtle slight sneer:) And I'm sure Jane will love having you stay under her roof with Trent while you're in Lawndale. (Krystal picks up on Daria's subtle barb, but says nothing. Quinn appears to be a bit miffed. Darren once again gives Daria an inquistive look. The Watleys don't notice)

KRYSTAL: ("Polite" smile:) I'm sure she will, Daria. (Wry tone:) I know I'll be looking forward to it. (Pauses, adds in a "happy" tone:) Oh, and by the way, congratulations on getting that writing job. I heard you were going to meet with the editor with some other teen writers, tomorrow--?

DARIA: (Brief, uncomfortable expression, which Quinn and Darren notice:) Um, yeah, thanks. (Deadpan, attempts to cover:) We're all really looking forward to writing about those ever-popular subjects on teen angst and insecurity, you know, what you, Darren and Curtis blissfully went through, and survived--? (The others chuckle)

KRYSTAL: (Mock-disgusted look:) Ugh. You had to remind me. (Pauses:) Darren, did you tell your sisters about the good news from Eastward, yet? (Darren sighs, rolls eyes. Curtis chuckles)

QUINN: (Inquisitive expression with Daria, Juanita and Laflita smile with Krystal:) Huh? Good news from Eastward College? What is it?

CURTIS: (Grins:) Say hello to the new president of our sophomore class! Your brother was elected in a landslide earlier today! It wasn't even close! (Starts humming "Hail To The Chief". Darren makes a "zip it" motion across his neck. Curtis complies to the giggles of Juanita and Laflita. Krystal merely smirks)

QUINN: (Gasps with delight while Daria remains impassive:) Darren? You were elected president? That's great! Why didn't you tell us?

DARREN: (Exasperated expression:) I--was getting around to it, Quinn. I haven't told Jane or Helen and Jake yet. (Mild glare to Curtis and Krystal, who grin even wider:) And the term is more like "drafted", as opposed to "elected". I really didn't want to run, but someone put me in as a write-in candidate. The next thing I know, I'm "elected" to a year-long term. I attempted to turn it down, but so many students wanted me to take it and do my "civic duty", I--(pauses, sighs:) did.

CURTIS: (Puts hands up, still with the grin:) Hey, don't look at me, man! (Motions:) Krystal here had gotten the ball rolling with her friends, (Daria narrows an eye at a smugly smiling Krystal) and I jumped on the proverbial bandwagon!

DARREN: (Grumbles, looks off:) Too bad you didn't accidently slip off that bandwagon, and have it roll over you...(Quinn giggles while the others laugh, save for Daria)

DARIA: (After a moment, glances at Krystal:) And does this mean that you'll have to do some extra work or something, bro? (Pointed tone, aimed subtly in Krystal's direction:) Particularly on the weekends? (Krystal slowly loses her smile at Daria as she understands what Daria is implying)

DARREN: (Pauses, stares at Daria, realizes:) Yeah, as a matter of fact, the student council does hold their meetings on Saturdays, basically because that's the only day nothing's going on at the college. It's pretty busy at Eastward throughout the week, even on Sunday afternoons. That's when I sometimes attend those "Alumni Brunches", since, if you'll remember, I belong to that club. (Sighs:) It's enough that I'll have that, college, and my future career to learn, now this. (Shrugs:) Oh, well...

CURTIS: (Pauses, realizes, grows more serious:) Aw, man, look, I'm really sorry. Now that I think about it, it is a load on you, isn't it?

KRYSTAL: (Immediately "jumps" in:) Curtis is right, Darren. (Daria shows a tiny eyeroll, which Krystal notices) I didn't consider that when I wrote you in. Maybe you should turn down the office, since it might interfere with your work and school, (glances at Daria:) not to mention your spending time with Jane and your family when they come over a weekend. There are other capable students at Eastward. (Juanita and Laflita look at each other, nod. After a moment, an obviously-disappointed Quinn does the same)

DARREN: (Ponders, then shows a determined frown:) Nooo--no, I won't, you two. (Quinn brightens at this, while Daria remains impassive, and Krystal shows a tiny look of relief) I said that I'd do it, and I will. Maybe I can make a difference. There are a few things at Eastward that need to be addressed by the students, and I've heard that those student council meetings last no more than an hour or two at the most, anyway. I'm inclined to probably see if I can change the meetings to Mondays, and get them out of the way for the rest of the week.

QUINN: (Enthusiastic nod:) Yeah, that's a great suggestion, Darren! (Daria shows a very high cocked eyebrow) I think you'd make a fantastic president! You've, like, already had a great idea, and stuff! Get all of that political stuff done on the most bland day of the week, and have free time the rest of the week! (Grins, sighs, looks up dreamily:) My brother, the president...

DARIA: (Glances at Krystal suspiciously:) And, um, are there gonna be any aides to help you at those student council meetings, Darren? I'm sure that you'll be needing some "help", right? (Quinn drops an eyebrow, glances at Krystal as well, realizes what Daria's meaning)

KRYSTAL: (Shows a tiny, amused smirk, speaks before Darren can:) Oh, I'm afraid that I won't be able to help, Darren, in case you're looking in my direction. (Daria looks surprised with Quinn) I'll be heading an accounting club for students in my major on some Fridays and Saturdays, starting tomorrow, in fact. The meeting times happen to parallel the student council's. (Adds:) And even if you're able to change the student council's meetings to Mondays, I'll still have my plate full with other stuff at Eastward. Sorry. (Turns to, smirks at Curtis:) However, I think some other people are available to help...

CURTIS: (To Krystal's smirk, and now to Darren's developing one:) Huh? Heeey, now, waiiiitaminute...

DARREN: (His smirk now in full bloom, with Juanita and Laflita grinning:) I couldn't agree more, Krystal, especially since I know Curtis has nothing to do after school--

CURTIS: (Wags finger, smug look:) Ah-ah, bud! Remember, I have to work part-time at my dad's businesss--

LAFLITA: (Smirks, cuts him off:) --Don't even try it, bro! (Curtis glares at her)

JUNITA: (Nods, with her smirk:) Uh-huh. You can make the time real easy, and you know mom's been after you to become more involved in student activities at Eastward, anyway. This'll get her off your back.

LAFLITA: Yeah, and besides, you know Darren knows our dad shuts down his office on the weekends, and even if Darren's able to get those student council meetings moved to Mondays, it won't cut into your time at work, (wicked grin:) we'll make sure of that. (Juanita nods with the same grin) He's available, Darren.

DARREN: (Grins, slaps Curtis on his back. Curtis stumbles slightly forward:) Welcome aboard my bandwagon, lil' buddy! (The others laugh, save for Daria, though she does show a tiny smirk)

CURTIS: (Slight scowl, mumbles:) Little traitors, see if either one of you drive my red VW in the near future...

JUANITA: (Giggles, sticks tongue out:) Huh! Laflita and I are a month or two from having enough money to get our own cars, anyway, right, sis?

LAFLITA: (Nods in agreement:) You got it, sis, and after we tell mom and dad the good news, they'll let us borrow their cars in the meantime, if you won't!

CURTIS: (Looks up, miserable expression, holds arms out:) Lord, why am I cursed with these things called "little sisters"? (His sisters laugh with Krystal)

DARIA: (Deadpan:) Get in line, Curtis. (Pauses, glances at Quinn:) I haven't received my answer to that same question, yet.

QUINN: (Scowls while the others laugh, and Darren chuckles:) Hey! What about our "pact", Daria?

DARIA: (Playful smirk:) Relax, Quinn, you didn't let me finish. (Pauses:) I asked that question in Lawndale, not up here, so it doesn't count. (Pauses:) Unless I suddenly get my answer while I'm up here, that is. If a light suddenly appears from under my bedroom door in the middle of the night via an angel with a positive response letter, you're outta luck. (Quinn rolls her eyes, while the others chuckle)

DARREN: Oh yeah, least I forget, Krystal, Quinn tells me that she suspects Rory might be trying to speak to her friend Stacy Rowe on the side. She said that Stacy even mentioned him again this week at her high school. (Krystal's expression becomes a bit more serious, while the Watleys scowl a little) Have you seen any activity from your brother that might suggest that, well, he's doing that? (Quinn stares expectantly at Krystal, hoping for anything. Daria merely stares with her "expressionless expression", though she's now taken on more of a subtle, attentive look)

KRYSTAL: (Pauses, slight scowl in thought, remembers her brother's warning:) Ummm, no, I (pauses:) haven't noticed anything, Darren, Quinn. Sorry. (Quinn's expectant stare drops, her shoulders slump. Krystal, noticing this, quickly adds:) Of course, I don't know what Rory does in his spare time, either, but I'll definitely keep an eye out on him. Don't worry, Quinn.

QUINN: (Sighs, slight smile:) Thanks, Krystal.

KRYSTAL: (Pauses, adds:) You know, you could do something from your end, like possibly trying to see if Stacy's getting in contact with my brother. If you find out, then maybe you can stop it then and there by telling her parents, or, if you don't want to go that far, by enlisting Sandi and Tiffany's help in looking for anything in her room, and confronting her with it. (Shrugs:) I mean, what's a little harmless snooping here and there--? (Daria watches quietly, crosses her arms)

QUINN: (Wide-eyed:) You mean like, spy on Stacy? (Pauses:) With Sandi and Tiffany? I--we couldn't do that! She's our friend! It wouldn't be right!

KRYSTAL: (Hesitates, puts a light hand on Quinn's shoulder, which causes Daria to cock an eyebrow in mild surprise. Quinn doesn't notice Krystal's touch because she's still so stunned at what Krystal is suggesting. Krystal speaks in a genuine, quieter tone of sympathy:) It's either that, or risking something bad coming up, Quinn. Like you just said, Stacy's friends to you all, and as her friends who care for her, you guys would do this for her own good. I mean, I'll try and do my part, but you've got to do your's, too. Better for Stacy to be cut off from Rory early than to fall under his spell, and learn the hard way.

QUINN: (Looks down briefly, weak nod:) Y-Yeah, I guess you're right. (Darren pats his sister on her back gently) I'll, um, speak with Sandi and Tiffany when I get back...

KRYSTAL: (Slight smile:) Good. (Looks at watch:) We'd better go, don't you think? (From the side, Claude re-appears, opens the front door)

JUANITA: You don't have to tell us twice! C'mon, guys! (Goes out with her sister. Quinn follows)

DARIA: (Deadpan, stares after them:) Thus, the clothing hunters go off on their quest. (Pauses:) Those poor mini-skirted and blouse creatures hidden within the vast clothing rack forest in the region of Reynaldo don't stand a chance. (The others chuckle. Daria stares at Krystal for an instant as if she expects her to say something else. Krystal catches her staring, but says nothing. Daria then turns to the grand stairs:) Well, um, I'll see you guys later. I'll be in my room looking up Krystal's stuff. (Goes up the grand stairs)

CURTIS: (Looks up after her for a moment:) See you, Daria. Take it easy, Krystal. (Leaves)

KRYSTAL: Curtis. (Glances upstairs for a moment, a slight frown on her face)

DARREN: (Drops an eyebrow, follows her look:) Something wrong, Krystal? (Pauses, realizes:) Did you want to speak to Daria about something else?

KRYSTAL: (Pauses:) Er, yes, as a matter of fact, I did. I, ah, meant to ask her about what she thought what clothes Trent might like, since she's known him for awhile. (Snaps fingers, "scowls":) Damn! ("Puppy-dog" look:) Uh, is it okay if I go to her room and ask her? I won't be just a minute or two with her.

DARREN: (After a moment, gives her a brief, odd expression:) Daria doesn't strike me as the type to care all that much about clothes, but if you want her opinion so badly, sure. Do you know which room she's in?

KRYSTAL: (Pauses, shakes head slowly:) Actually, I don't--

CLAUDE: I can show her, Master Darren--

Elenor suddenly appeared in the foyer from the direction of the dining room. Krystal gave her a neutral look, and received one from the senior maid in return. Fiona had stopped in the open doorway of the dining room and was timidly watching from a distance.

ELENOR: I'll volunteer to show her, Master Darren. I'm on my way upstairs to clean Miss Quinn's room.

KRYSTAL: ("Forced" smile, which Elenor "returns", phony tone:) Why, thank you, Elenor.

ELENOR: (Ditto with the tone, curtseys:) You're welcome, Miss Krystal. Follow me...(Krystal does. Both go up the grand stairs)

Claude was about to shut the door and Darren was going to go the study when Quinn suddenly popped back in. Claude pulled the door back.

QUINN: Oops! Excuse me, Claude. Hey, what's going on, Darren? Where's Krystal?

DARREN: Oh, sorry, Quinn, I should've went outside and told you. (Glances upstairs again, drops eyebrow:) Krystal forgot to ask Daria about what clothes Daria would think Trent would like. (Quinn frowns, perplexed expression:) She said she'll only be a minute or two.

QUINN: Daria? Krystal can't be serious! Daria's probably the last person who'd know about fashion! (Pauses, brief frown, considers, adds, smirks:) Even though Daria was a writer of the fashion column at Highland high school's newspaper as a freshman, just before we moved to Lawndale, (Darren forms a wide-eyed expression of shock on his face) I doubt Daria could help Krystal out. Daria hated doing that, but mom made her so Daria could put something on her college resume, and do some high school activities.

DARREN: (Grins, amused:) Daria used to write articles on fashion? Unbelievable!

QUINN: (Returns the amused grin:) But all too true, big bro. Remind me to tell you about it sometime.

DARREN: (Chuckles:) Just what I was thinking, sis. Anyway, have a good time, and try not to be too late in coming back, okay? I was hoping you and I could spend some time together tomorrow while Daria's gone. (Slight smirk:) I don't want you to be too tired, you know.

QUINN: (Returns smirk:) Hah! That'll be the day! You don't know how la--(Darren cocks an eyebrow. Quinn shows a brief, embarassed look, chuckle:) uh, never mind. (Darren stares at her for a moment more, leaves for the study)

Quinn promptly went back outside to wait as Claude closed the front door behind her. In the rear of Krystal's car, the Watley sisters were busily chatting while glancing in the newest catalog from Reynaldo's.

Suddenly, Quinn's eyes grew wide in realization, and she quickly stopped and turned back towards the door, deep in thought. Ohmygosh, is that what Daria meant when she said I'd "find out soon enough" about why Krystal came? Is Krystal gonna ask her about--

Quinn's thoughts were broken by Laflita, who shouted from the car. Quinn turned back to her.

LAFLITA: Hey, Quinn! What's going on? Where's Krystal?

JUANITA: Yeah! (Playful sneer:) Even though we're gonna stay past closing time, I would like to get there sometime, you know!

QUINN: (Glances back to the door for an instant, hesitant, thought v.o.: Should I make an excuse to go upstairs, and--nahhh, Daria can take care of herself. Besides, I'm not gonna get drawn into this anymore, [smirks:] and Daria can fill me in later.) (Forms a phony smile, tone as she turns back, strolls over:) Sorry, guys! Krystal forgot to ask Daria about something else, it won't take too long. (Brightens:) So, while we're waiting, what does Reynaldo's catalog have for the new fall fashions...?


(Scene Four: Upstairs, at the same moment)

Though Elenor was already in full mode with Krystal in the hallway, both kept their voices in a low tone. They had stopped midway.

ELENOR: (Scowls:) --I warn you, Miss Krystal, if you're up to something with Master Trent that involves breaking up Master Darren and Jane--

KRYSTAL: (Returns frown, interrupts:) --Pardon me? I happen to really like Jane's brother, you old crone! Where in the hell is this coming from?

ELENOR: Don't play dumb with me, Miss Krystal. (Slight pause, sarcastic tone, crafty look:) It should please you to know that Master Darren and Jane had a bit of an argument about you and Master Trent being together last week.

KRYSTAL: (Pauses, raised eyebrows:) Really? (Brief smirk:) That's just--(suddenly realizes the senior maid's little trick, very deep frown to Elenor's developing smirk, quickly covers up:) I mean, that's none of my business if they're arguing over me and Trent, though I don't know why!

ELENOR: (Narrows eyes:) You most certainly do know "why", Miss Krystal! Jane believes you're only trying to go with Master Trent in an attempt to get back at her for going with Master Darren, whom you still have feelings for!

KRYSTAL: (Through clenched teeth, red-faced:) I'm warning you, Elenor--

ELENOR: (Interrupts, very stern tone:) --No, Miss Krystal, I'm warning you. Do not interfere in Master Darren's and Jane's lives, or I will tell Master Darren about your threats to Fiona when you first met her. (Krystal looks as if she wants to kill Elenor. Elenor, for her part, remains calm) Master Darren, I believe, has made it clear that he only likes Jane, and not you.

KRYSTAL: (Narrows eyes:) And what about Trent Lane? Are you going to attempt to stop me from seeing him, as well?

ELENOR: (Pauses:) If Master Trent wishes to see you, then that's his business. Though I'm convinced more now than ever that you're only using him to irritate Jane, my concern is for Master Darren. However, if I see that Master Trent is being hurt by you, I will have something to say about that as well.

KRYSTAL: (Dangerously low tone, now stoic:) You know, you're starting to tick me off, Elenor--really starting to tick me off. Very few people have ever done that to me.

ELENOR: (Small smile:) Then I'm delighted to have made it into your little circle of enemies, Miss Krystal. I feel quite so honored.

KRYSTAL: (Enraged, appears to look as she's about to move towards Elenor, then spots Claude coming around the corner towards them, suddenly "smiles", "sweet" tone:) Which door did you say was Daria's again?

ELENOR: (Also spots Claude, returns "smile":) The fifth door on the right, Miss Krystal. (Leaves to join Claude)

KRYSTAL: (Very syrupy "sweet" tone, smile:) Thanks ever-so-much, dear! (Turns, leaves)

Claude glanced after Krystal briefly as he met Elenor.

CLAUDE: (Inquisitive expression, cocks eyebrow:) I thought Miss Krystal had already reached Daria's bedroom--?

ELENOR: (Chuckles, dismissive tone:) Oh, Miss Krystal and I were merely engaged in a bit of small talk, Claude, that's all. Excuse me, I have to clean Miss Quinn's room. (Leaves. Claude stares after her for a moment, then shrugs, leaves in opposite direction)

Go to Part 2