Part 2

(Scene Five: The front of Daria's bedroom door)

Krystal forced herself to cool down. That old bitch is going to get her's one day, that I promise... Krystal breathed a brief sigh, then began to knock.

DARIA: (Muffled:) Yes?

KRYSTAL: (Raises voice:) Daria? It's Krystal! May I speak to you for a moment or two?

There was a brief pause, then Daria answered, opening her door. As usual, she wore her "expressionless expression".

DARIA: (Thought v.o.: Well, well, I wondered if you'd come up...:) Oh, Krystal. C'mon in. (Krystal enters, Daria shuts door, turns to her, motions to her now-on computer monitor:) I was about to check on the Internet for those "comparable airline prices" for you. What's going on? (Pauses:) Did you forget something?

KRYSTAL: (After a moment, hesitates:) Well, yes, I suppose you could say that I did, Daria, I--(frowns as she now notices, scans the room, dropped mouth:) what--the--hell--?

DARIA: (Shows a small smirk, thought v.o.: Unnerved, are we? Let's see if I can make that feeling worse...:) You like my room? Darren had it especially built for me, a sort of a "version" of my bedroom in Lawndale, which looks just like this.

Still smirking, Daria motioned her head at Darren's picture of the bloody skull with the snake crawling through it. Krystal, already stunned over hearing about Daria's "original" room at her home, happened to follow her stare, growing wide-eyed in horror as she examined it.

DARIA: Darren also painted that, isn't it cool? Jane's room is padded to the brink and has bars on the windows, too, by the way. ("Sad" look, slumps:) Her padding's black, though, dammit...(Krystal stares at Daria suspiciously, wondering if she's serious) It's right across the hall, if you wanna see. I don't think she'd mind--(is about to move towards the door)

KRYSTAL: (Thought v.o.: She is serious!:) NO! (Quickly adds to Daria, who's stopped:) I mean, that's alright, I believe you. Look, I told Darren that I wanted to speak to you about what clothes you thought Trent would like, but, well, ("hesitates":) I really wanted to ask you about something else, a minor, quick question.

DARIA: (Crosses arms, "innocent" expression:) Oh, really? What?

KRYSTAL: (Pauses, suspects that Daria's B.S.-ing her, but continues:) Do you know about someone or thing called a "Sty Lark"? Jane called herself "confronting" me last week on it, whatever "it" is, and startled me with some wild and crazy allegations, none of which I found very flattering to my person, much less making any sense. (Faux worried tone:) All of this has been bothering me ever since, and I was wondering whether or not you could shed some light on it, since, you know, Jane's your friend, and she might've said something to you.

DARIA: (After a moment, thought v.o.: Let's find out if I can spook or piss you off a little by the "direct" approach...:) Well, it's like this: Tom and I happened to overhear some green-haired Goth girl in Lawndale last week named "Sesame" speaking to a girl called "Sty Lark" over her cellphone. This "Sesame", you see, someone whom Jane had casually known, apparently had asked about Tom a few weeks before while we all were here at Darren's, (Krystal takes on an "interested" expression) and I, being the, um, "jealous girlfriend", wanted to tell her in no uncertain terms to stay away from him. The next thing Tom and I know, this "Sty Lark" suddenly cuts her phone call off, then "Sesame" begins to bitch and moan about being left high and dry, much to our confusion.

KRYSTAL: (After a moment, narrows eyes:) That is interesting. Please, go on...

DARIA: Anyway, "Sesame", who felt like she had nothing to lose, decides to come clean with me and Tom after we confront her, telling us that this "Sty Lark" was a female, and I quote "Sesame", now, (smirks:) a "Stupid, moronic, imbecilic bitch who decided to leave me hanging." (Krystal's left eye twitches ever so slightly, which Daria notices, but she remarkably keeps a straight face, continuing:) "Sesame" also told us that "Sty Lark" paid her a lot of money to spy on me, Jane, and Tom, getting all sorts of info on us. It really floored me, I tell you. I mean, why in the hell would someone give a damn about us, I wonder?

KRYSTAL: (Small shrug, forced chuckle:) Yes, um, why?

DARIA: (Goes on:) I mean, for a "Stupid, moronic, imbecilic bitch" as this "Sty Lark" was to care about us in such a manner as to gather personal information to the point of coming to Lawndale to find out herself, dressed in, as what this "Sesame" described, dark sunglasses, a pink wig, and a Goth dress, she'd have to be totally pathetic, wouldn't she? (Slightly smirks)

KRYSTAL: (Through very subtle clenched teeth:) Yes, I guess she would be, wouldn't she?

DARIA: (Still with the smirk:) Exactly. (Pauses, shakes head slowly:) Sad, really.

KRYSTAL: (Adds quickly, swallows her anger:) What does all of this have to do with me? ("Shocked" expression, "realizes", gasps:) Surely Jane's not saying that I'm this "Sty Lark" girl, is she? Why would she say something like that?

DARIA: (Deadpan look, tone, very dry:) Gee, I don't know. I mean, just because one can take the letters in "Sty Lark", and change them around to spell "Krystal", (adds:) which happens to be your name, by the way, of course, (Krystal stays silent, stoic expression) and that "Sty Lark" had happened to ask just about me, Jane, and Tom, and no one else in my family or in Lawndale, (adds again:) like you had, doesn't mean that you can be her. (In a subtle, sneering tone:) It's obviously just an incredible coincidence--(noticeably long pause:) isn't it?

KRYSTAL: (Cool, controlled tone:) Yes, I guess it is.

DARIA: (After a moment, in a deadpan tone that's laced with doubt:) Besides, it couldn't have been you, since you were with your family vacationing in the Caribbean, right? "Sesame" told me and Tom that "Sty Lark" had approached her about three-and-a-half weeks after Darren left Lawndale for his home, which would make it the Wednesday or Thursday in that same week before we left, roughly. (Narrows eyes:) You said your family returned a few days earlier than you planned, right? (Ponders, looks up, narrows eyes:) Just before we left, (pauses:) which was four weeks after Darren had been in Lawndale. (Looks back down to Krystal:) Your family had returned a day or so before we came to Darren's, right?

KRYSTAL: (Pauses:) Yes, that's right, we came in on a late Thursday night to early Friday morning. Your family arrived that Saturday, I believe. I then met you, Jane, and Quinn that following Sunday at Reynaldo's.

DARIA: (Pauses, crosses arms:) And so you did.

There was a long pause as the two merely stared at each other, then Krystal spoke.

KRYSTAL: (Quiet tone, "solemn" expression:) You and Jane don't really like or trust me, do you, Daria, hence your rather meticulous timeline suspicions of where I was just before your famliy came up here to see Darren? (Pauses:) You two think I'm this "Sty Lark", don't you?

DARIA: (Deadpan, sarcastic, laced with doubt:) Gosh, what makes you possibly think that? You couldn't have been there because you and your family were in the Caribbean all the way up to your return, I thought we went over that. Your alibi is airtight. (Krystal says nothing. Pauses, equally-quiet tone:) As for liking and/or trusting you, Darren does, and I guess that's good enough for me. (Thought v.o.: For now.:) I can't speak for Jane, though after what I heard from her concerning your "conversation" last week, I think it's pretty safe to say that she's not exactly your bosom buddy.

KRYSTAL: (Definitive nod:) Oh, I can attest to that. (Pauses, "sighs", "smiles":) Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm not "Sty Lark", no matter what you two think, and I'm sorry that you both can't see that. (Pauses, shrugs:) I suppose I'll have to try and win you both over, somehow--

DARIA: (With her "expressionless expression":) We'll see, I guess.

KRYSTAL: (Nods, slight smirk:) Right. (Gamely continues on:) Sooo, did this "Sesame" girl provide anymore information to you relevant to finding this "Sty Lark"?

DARIA: Nope. She seems to have vanished into thin air. (Pointed tone, narrows eyes:) However, I intend to continue and try to locate her, you can count on that.

KRYSTAL: (After a moment:) Well, good luck on trying to find her. ("Smiles":) I'll see you later to pick up that airline info, then--(begins to turn away)

DARIA: Krystal--?

KRYSTAL: (Stops, turns back with her "smile":) Yes, Daria?

DARIA: (Slight frown, subtle warning tone:) Trent's my friend. (Krystal cocks a cool eyebrow) I'd hate for something to come up between you two that would end up in someone getting really hurt.

KRYSTAL: (Bemused:) Why, Daria, what are you saying? (Pauses:) That I'd hurt Trent? (Snorts:) I heard that from Jane last week--

DARIA: (Narrows eyes:) Then I guess you'll hear it again this week from me. (Pauses:) There was a woman whose views I didn't exactly agree with, but respected to a certain degree, who said once that "Lying increases the creative faculties, expands the ego--"

KRYSTAL: (Smoothly interrupts, smirks:) --"And lessens the frictions of social contacts.", (Daria appears genuinely surprised briefly. Krystal grins:) Claire Booth Luce, right?

DARIA: (Recovers:) Um, yeah.

KRYSTAL: A remarkable woman. Her writings and speeches are quite fasinating when examined more in depth. Like you, I had some problems with her beliefs, but I did respect them. (Pauses:) Anyway, I don't need to lie when I say that I like Jane's brother, Daria. I'm sorry that Jane can't accept that, even though she's giving the impression that she has to her brother, especially after she practically threatened me last week.

DARIA: (Cocks an eyebrow:) From what I heard, you threatened her by walking right up to her face.

KRYSTAL: ("Offended" expression:) I was only defending my turf, which in this case, was my liking of her brother, and she made the threat by actually saying it. (Pauses, "sighs", "shudders", slumps:) I can tell you that Jane scared the hell out of me with the way she said it, too...

Daria showed Krystal a "Oh, please" look for a brief instant, then was about to speak when there was a knock on the door.

VOICE: (Muffled:) Daria? It's Darren! Is Krystal still in there?

DARIA: (Glances at Krystal with a neutral look, and vice-versa, raises voice:) Um, yeah, Darren! Hang on a sec! (Goes over to, opens door, smirks:) Don't tell me this is becoming the night of people forgetting things? Looks like it's time to break out the ol' ginseng root...

DARREN: (Chuckles:) Nah, that's okay, sis, I've had my quota of ginseng roots for tonight. (Pauses, glances between the two:) Though I, ah, had forgotten my laptop in my room (shows laptop:). I just wanted to know if Krystal had left yet on my way back to the study--

KRYSTAL: (Smiles:) --Which I'm about to do, Darren. I'm sure if I don't leave right now, Quinn and the Watleys will drag me down to my car by my hair. (Slight smirk:) See you later for that airline info, Daria. (Leaves)

DARIA: (Calls after her:) Right, and remember, I'm pretty sure that Trent likes frilly pink silk shirts and yellow jeans, along with the other guys! (Krystal turns, pauses for a moment, gives Daria an odd look with Darren, then continues on)

DARREN: (After a moment:) Trent and the guys--like frilly pink silk shirts and yellow jeans?

DARIA: (Slight smirk:) That's my take, at least. (Pauses:) Krystal really took to it, too.

DARREN: (Nods, doubtful-sounding tone:) Oh yeah. I saw how eager she looked when she left. (Pauses, narrows eyes:) Are you sure that was the only thing you two spoke about?

DARIA: (Stares at him for an instant, sees Darren's doubting expression:) Well, um, no, not really. Krystal and I also spoke about her and Trent.

DARREN: (Slight frown, thought v.o. Oh, great. I kind of thought that was it. Jane's letting our argument about Krystal spill over to Daria...:) Daria, I really think--

DARIA: (Puts hand up, interrupts:) --Relax, bro. I didn't try to discourage Krystal from seeing Trent, if that's what you're getting at. I just wanted to make sure that he's really the guy she seems so sure of.

DARREN: (Cocks an eyebrow:) And that's their business, right?

DARIA: (Pauses:) Apparently so. (Crosses arms:) Anything else?

DARREN: (Hesitates:) Yeah. Daria, look, about tomorrow with Mr. Juarez--

DARIA: (Tense expression, interrupts, slight scowl:) --Darren, I told you that I'm okay about that. You don't have anything to worry about.

DARREN: (Cocks an eyebrow:) Oh? And I guess I shouldn't have worried about the way you seemed to bite off Quinn's head downstairs when you two almost got into that argument right after dinner? (Daria frowns) I wondered if you were maybe anxious about tomorrow, and you were letting off some steam.

DARIA: (Still with her frown, covers up:) If I had any "steam" to let off, it certainly wouldn't have been wasted on Quinn, of all people. She's kept me steamed for years. (Pauses, realizes, subtle snarl:) And don't tell me that you're taking her side?

DARREN: (Holds hands up, surprised expression:) Whoa, calm down, sis, I'm not taking anyone's side. (Pauses:) I was just worried about you, that's all. You just didn't seem to be yourself to me at dinner.

DARIA: (Continues with her frown and subtle snarl:) Oh, no, I can assure you, I'm myself. (Turns to imaginary person:) Right, "Daria"? (Pauses, "waits" for a response:) Right, "Daria". Now leave me the hell alone. (Turns back to Darren:) See?

DARREN: (Stares at Daria for a long moment stoically, sighs:) Okay, fine. (Pauses:) I'll--see you later, then. (Begins to turn away)

DARIA: (Suddenly feeling guilty, sighs:) Darren, wait. (Darren turns back to her) Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to snap at you. I--(long pause, slight blush:) know that you care. I'm okay, really.

DARREN: (Pauses, then shows a small smile:) It's--alright, sis. See you later. (Leaves. Daria stares after him for a moment, then quietly shuts her door)

Daria turned aginst her door via her back and slumped, wearing a miserable expression.

DARIA: (Thought v.o.: Nice lie, Morgendorffer. [Pauses, frowns:] Or is that lies? Bad enough that I couldn't tell Darren about Krystal's bull without proof, but now I'm holding back my apprehension about tomorrow from him. You are the quintessential moron, aren't you, Morgendorffer? [Pauses:] Wait, you don't have to answer that yet. [Smirks:] You've got to check on the Internet for those "comparable" airline prices for Krystal, first, not to mention checking on how her family went to the Caribbean, and when exactly they came back on said same Internet. I could kick myself for not thinking about doing this earlier. Maybe I'll luck out, and find out if they made a little side trip near Lawndale just before they came back home...) (Cracks knuckles, goes over to her computer, sits down, begins to type)


(Scene Six: The hallway outside Daria's room)

Darren made his way to the study, anxious. It was obviously clear to him that Daria wasn't okay. He shook his head slowly. After steadily repositioning his laptop in his left arm, he removed his cellphone from his pants pocket with his right hand, then began walking towards the stairs. He opened the cellphone, then dialed with his right thumb. After a moment of waiting for a few rings, a voice from the other end answered.

DARREN: Constance? It's Darren again. (Pauses, sighs as he stops at the top of the grand stairs:) Go ahead and do this. I waited a little longer like you asked me, but Daria's still in her funk, and hasn't changed. (Pauses, nods:) Yes, I know what I'm doing. (Thought v.o.: I hope.:) I think it's the only way she can do the job without feeling as if she doesn't deserve it. (Pauses:) Thanks again for finding one this late. (Pauses, nods:) She'll be there tomorrow by 9:00 a.m. so you can have time to fill her in, got it. (Smirks:) You work fast, don't you? I'm surprised you could find one so late. (Pauses:) Okay, see you later. (Quietly shuts his phone, puts it back in his pocket, goes down the stairs)


(Scene Seven: The McKinna's, Rory's room, a few hours later. It is quite late, for his wall clock reads "11:15")

Rory was on his cellphone while sitting at his desk. He had his computer on, looking at the monitor.

RORY: (Nods:) --Yessir, the payment of $10,000 you sent me did show up on my account.

VOICE: (Sounding pleased:) Good. Remember, you'll get that once every month for your "services". (Pauses:) So, did you also receive the "application"?

RORY: (Smirks, looks down beside his computer on the desk:) Oh yeah. I just printed it out. I'll "fill" it in tonight.

VOICE: (Chuckles:) Excellent. After all, we want everything to appear to be on the up-and-up concerning your new "job", don't we?

RORY: (Smug look, leans back in his chair:) We sure do. (Pauses, actually forms a sincere look and tone:) I, uh, really want to thank you for doing this--(pauses:) Mr. Appleton. (The "screen" suddenly "splits" to show none other than a bearded William Appleton in what appears to be a doctor's room. He's wearing a speaker's headset, and is still in his body cast, but instead of sitting in a wheelchair, he's sitting on a long, metal table. His two henchmen, "Miguel" and "Louis", stand in the background, leaning against the wall of the room. They have their arms crossed, wearing stoic expressions. A small old man of South American pedigree, presumably the doctor, stands beside him, holding what looks like a small, circular electric saw)

WILLIAM: (Grins:) Please, Rory, let's not be so formal. (Pauses:) Call me "Uncle William". ("Miguel" and "Louis" give each other odd expressions for a moment, then resume their stoic expressions)

RORY: (Briefly stunned look:) R-Really, sir? I-I don't know what to say...

WILLIAM: (Chuckles:) There's nothing to say, my boy, except perhaps, "Thanks". (Narrows eyes:) As far as I'm concerned, you're my nephew, now. Darren isn't, anymore. I've always felt closer to you than him, anyway.

RORY: (Actually ponders this, then grins:) Well, I'm not going to disappoint you like "Darry" did, "Uncle William".

WILLIAM: (Smirks:) Oh, I know you won't, Rory. (Pauses:) However, I want you to call me that when no one's around, alright? We don't want to risk anyone overhearing you. Call me "Preston" in the event I have to suddenly contact you, and someone just happens to be nearby. That's my middle name, by the way. It'll be the name of your "boss" on your new job, if someone inquires. My last name will be "Smith", something ordinary.

RORY: (Writes on a pad beside his desk:) "Preston Smith", got it. (Cocked eyebrow:) I assume this'll all be by my cellphone, right?

WILLIAM: Of course. We don't want any snoopers to trace your family's phone records, and you can charge all calls to me, which will be under that name. You have my private number, so in the event that I'm, er, "out" for the moment, "Preston Smith" will get back to you.

RORY: Right.

WILLIAM: Good. Now remember, you'll be reporting to me what my former "nephew" and his company are up to, outside of the "official" news of the financial sort. I have a contact within the company, an employee who's still loyal to me, and will give you all the info that you'll need to tell me what's going on. In other words, you'll be a middle man. I can't take the chance to get directly involved, for rather obvious reasons. You'll also have to be nice to Darren--

RORY: (Deep sigh, gives a brief eyeroll:) Yessir--

WILLIAM: (Continues on, oblivious:) --so he won't suspect anything. I know it won't be easy, but you need to get on Darren's good side like you did when you were able to attend that party, (Rory looks unsure at this, remembering that it was Krystal who got him in there. William snorts, rolls eyes:) and God knows he has plenty of "good sides". (Pauses, slight scowl:) Speaking of which, you haven't spoken to him since that party at the mansion, have you? I hope you haven't done anything to get him anymore angrier at you than he already had been before, like what happened at Reynaldo's that day between you two. We want him to at least think that you've "changed", or are in the process of "changing". (Pauses, deeper scowl:) Don't hold back anything from me, now...

RORY: (Gets an uncomfortable expression, looks off briefly:) Well, uh, ahem--I did kind of get him teed off at me a little--

WILLIAM: (Sighs, weary look:) What did you do, Rory?

RORY: Well, uh, I, ah, "talked" to an underaged girl at that party that he warned me to avoid, a friend of his youngest sister Quinn Morgendorffer's, and he found out about it from her, and that "cavewoman bitch" Tina, who nearly wrenched my arm out of it's socket. Tina sent me home early.

WILLIAM: (Through clenched teeth, shakes with fury:) Rory, you cannot allow yourself to get bogged down with women, much less one who's underaged! Don't you realize you could be arrested for statutory rape?! (Voice raises slightly, which makes his henchmen and the doctor flinch:) The last thing I need is to read about you being behind bars when I need you to keep an eye out on Appleton Industries! That's also why I got you out of that drug-dealing you used to do, they were closing in on you! You can't do me any good sitting in a jail cell, do you understand that?!

RORY: (Winces:) Uh, yessir, I do! (Crosses fingers:) I, uh, haven't talked to the girl since! She lives way down in that "Lawndale" place, anyway, so I won't be seeing her anymore!

WILLIAM: (Satisfied look, nods:) See to it that you don't. Women have their place, but only where we men dictate it, always remember that. (Rory nods. William changes tone, smiles:) I wanted to also inform you that your "job" will be in the business division of Bowman Industries as a "roving" junior executive, someone who works for them in that field, but doesn't necessarily have an office there. That'll be your "cover". I've decided to--(pauses, smirks:) "invest" in that company, under my new name, of course. I've heard they've had quite a rough time recently, what, with the death of their chairman, Bowman--? ("Miguel" and "Louis" smirk slightly)

RORY: Hey, yeah, I read about what happened to that guy. (Chuckles:) I thought that was a trip when his tabloid went after Darren, accusing him of having something to do with "murdering" him. It would be funny if the police really did get something on "Darry".

WILLIAM: (Thought v.o., narrows eyes: And if I had another week or two, I would've done just that, setting up my "ex-nephew" to take the fall. However, Bowman became such a bothersome pest, I decided to get rid of him as quickly as possible. I highly doubt the authorities will point an accusing finger at Darren if they discover that it was murder. The timeline was too close between Darren discovering what White did, and Bowman's involvement, and subsequent death.) (Snaps back to reality to Rory's repeatedly saying, "Uncle William?":) Eh? Oh, er, yes, well, life's not fair, but I'll get back at him in the future. (Glances at the doctor, glares, which causes the doctor to cringe, thinking it's him William's mad at:) I'm about to have my body cast removed, and all throughout my agony of staying up those many nights, and of awkwardly using the bathroom, and of enduring that constant itching and the forming sores on my body, I've thought of nothing else but Darren, and how I intend to make him pay. This doesn't include the coming months of slowly getting my body back in shape, either. (Cold tone, look:) Oh, how he will pay. (Pauses, loses look:) Right now, I want you to "suck up" to him, understand?

RORY: (Nods:) Yessir. (Pauses:) Uh, have you heard anything about your sister, Millie?

WILLIAM: (Looks off, distant:) No, nothing. (Small, brief, smirk:) When that woman wants to vanish, she vanishes. I'll find her soon enough with my "connections". (Pauses, frowns:) I wonder where that "Edward White" fellow also went, though. Could he have possibly--(shakes head, dismisses thought:) no, never mind--

The next moment, Rory's bedroom phone began to ring.

RORY: Hang on a sec, Mr. Ap--uh, Uncle William. I have to answer a call on my phone, the servants are gone for the day--

WILLIAM: --That's enough for tonight, anyway, Rory. I'll call you again tomorrow at the same time, alright? ("Split" screen "shifts" to Rory's side)

RORY: Alright, sir. I'll be here. Goodbye. (Clicks off his cellphone, rolls over to his endtable via his computer chair, to his end table, answers:) Hello?

VOICE: (Pauses, familiar deadpan voice:) Um, hello. (Pauses:) Are Mr. or Mrs. McKinna there, by any chance? They haven't gone to bed yet, have they?

RORY: They're not here. Some late-night party they went to, (small frown, snorts, bitter:) the usual thing they do on a Friday night. (Pauses, cocks an eyebrow:) Who's this? (Narrows eyes:) You sound kinda familiar...

VOICE: (Rushed tone:) Uh, I'm sure you've never spoken to me before. Sorry for the interruption, I'll call them back tommorrow. (Hangs up)

RORY: Hello? (Pauses:) Hello? (Pauses:) Hmph. (Hangs up phone)


(Scene Eight: Daria's room)

Daria, now wearing her Mark Twain nightclothes, took a deep breath and sighed, holding her heart. Dammit, that was too close. I'm sure it was that ass Rory who answered. You can't forget a prick no matter how hard you try. I should've waited until tomorrow to talk to Krystal's parents, but I was so damn eager to confirm this, I had to jump the gun. I don't think he could possibly suspect anything. Daria looked at her opened notepad on the bed, then slowly showed a triumphant smirk as she began writing. Might as well finish my notes for tomorrow's meeting, and wait for Krystal to return with Quinn. Krystal's got a hell of a lot of explaining to do after I speak to her folks about their quick little trip to D.C. that Thursday just before they came home. Looks like searching all of those Caribbean island and gossip websites really paid off, big time. Ahhh, technology. Where would I be without you? In Krystal's case, up the creek without a paddle...


(Scene Nine: Rory's room)

Rory was about to fill in his "application", when he paused, deep in thought, looking in space. I know I've heard that female voice somewhere before, but where--? I pride myself on remembering certain voices of babes. This one sounded--bland, like it stood out, somehow... Rory suddenly became wide-eyed in realization, then smirked slowly. Of course! It's gotta be her! That cold bitch had a voice that was hard and sharp enough to send me a message at Darry's party! But why in the hell would she want to call our house to speak to my parents of all people at this time of night? Rory cooly glanced at his phone. I wonder if Krystal would know. She said she'd be going on some stupid shopping trip at Reynaldo's with Darry's babe of a sister, and the Aunt Jemima twins...

Rory shrugged and dialed his cellphone.


(Scene Ten: Reynaldo's, the same moment)

Krystal warily stared at Quinn and the Watley sisters as they blasted through Reynaldo's bevy of clothing with a giddy Lilith and her assistants following with their arms full of clothing. She occasionally sneaked a glance at her watch while she sat in a chair, sprawled out. Krystal had known what she wanted to get for Trent and Mystik Spiral (despite Daria's smartmouthed remark about the pink shirts and yellow pants), but the other girls, led ferociously by Quinn, had put on a full-court press in checking out almost every item of clothing, even dragging her into changing more than a few times. It was all she could do not to scream. Krystal had just turned down another attempt by Quinn to get her to try on an outfit, begging off, wanting to sit this round out.

Krystal cursed her stupidity at coming up with the idea of staying past closing, for it was the worse thing she could have done. She gave a quiet, bitter chuckle to herself. Oh, brilliant, Krystal. You wanted to get in good with Darren's dingaling of a baby sister, and look where it got you. Daria was right. These girls are the hunters, and the clothes are the prey...

Her cellphone in her purse suddenly began to ring. Krystal took it out, opening it.

KRYSTAL: (Small frown:) Hello? ("Screen" is "split", this time showing Rory)

RORY: (Small smirk:) Hey, sis.

KRYSTAL: (Cocked eyebrow, glances at her watch:) Rory--? Why in the hell are you calling me at this time of the night? (Pauses:) Did something bad happen to our parents, or something?

RORY: (Snorts, sneers:) Nah, if that were true, I'd be tempted to cheer, particularly if something bad happened to "Daddy Warbucks", since I'd inherit a fortune. Seriously, however, you're not that far off concerning our folks. You'll never guess who just called me.

KRYSTAL: (Hard, quick sigh:) Rory, I don't have time for twenty questions--

RORY: (Shrugs:) So who's asking questions? Anyway, I'm relatively sure that drab-looking DeAnne Morgendorffer chick just called me a few minutes ago. (Krystal's eyebrows rise in surprise) She said she wanted to speak to our parents about something, but they hadn't returned yet from that party. (Pauses:) Do you know what it was?

KRYSTAL: (Tired sigh, rolls eyes:) That's Daria Morgendorffer, you moron. (Pauses, small frown:) And you said she tried to talk to our parents?

RORY: Isn't what I just said, (pauses, wicked grin:) "moron"?

KRYSTAL: (Brief glare:) So you did. She told me she was going to look up something on the Internet for me concerning my trip to that "Lawndale" place. (Rory frowns, confused. There is a pause:) You remember--? I told you and our parents all about going with Darren, so I can see Trent Lane again. Anyway, I was going to pick up the info when I returned to Darren's with her sister, and it's--(pauses, turns pale with realization:) oh my God, it can't be...(takes a quick glance at Quinn and the Watleys, who are still going to town on the clothes)

RORY: (Suddenly interested look:) What? You know something, don't you? She's got something on you, right?

KRYSTAL: I--(scowls:) never mind--

RORY: (Grins, interrupts:) --Oh, no you don't, sis! I called you, and the least you can do is tell me what it is DeA--I mean, Daria's got on you! (Looks up briefly, ponders as Krystal forms a wary look:) Hmmm, let's see--you said she was looking up on the Internet on something for you for your little trip to that "Lawndale" place, but instead of waiting to tell you, she ups and calls our parents instead? (Suspicious look:) Don't you think that's kinda far-fetched?

KRYSTAL: (Slowly frowns:) No, it's not, when it concerns Daria. (In a low whisper, spits out bitterly:) Damn it! She's probably figured it out, and wants confirmation from our parents! I should've known she was up to something after she "volunteered" to look up those airline sites, and our little talk! (Bitter chuckle:) That smart, little, sneaky bitch...

RORY: (Frowns:) Huh? "Airline sites"? Figured out what? And for that matter, what talk?

KRYSTAL: (Smirks:) If you think I'm going to tell you of all people, you're living in a dream world, brother, dear. I have a quick little call of my own to make. Thanks for your call, though. I owe you. Ciao. (Hangs up. "Screen" goes to Rory's side)

Rory smugly grinned after a moment, laying back in his chair, his arms folded back under his head. Maybe you won't have to say anything to me, sister, dear. I think I've got it all figured out. This is about "Sty Lark", isn't it? Daria probably looked it up on the websites where we were staying during our vacation, and wants to see where you were when we visited D.C. on our way back. Ten to one odds on who you're gonna call next...


(Scene Eleven: The Appleton mansion, about an hour later)

Krystal's car drove up to the front of the lighted circular driveway and mansion, where Daria and Darren were waiting on the front stoop. Like Daria, Darren had changed into his nightclothes, wearing a royal blue robe with his white pajamas. A surprisingly-giddly Quinn immediately and practically almost leaped out with her bags, while a clearly-weary Krystal slowly exited the driver side.

DARREN: (Smiling:) Welcome back, sis, Krystal. You look as if you had a good time, Quinn--

DARIA: (Deadpan:) From the way she's brought in all of that clothes kill from the wholesale fabric slaughter, I'd say she had one hell of a grand time. (Slight smirk:) Right, "Buffalo Billie"?

QUINN: (Grins deliriously, ignores Daria's crack:) It was fantastic, Darren! I could've stayed in Reynaldo's all night! (Krystal shudders slightly, which causes Daria to smirk some more) We had the entire run of the store to ourselves, an' tried on just about everything in sight, right, Krystal?!

KRYSTAL: (Tired nod and smile:) That we did, Quinn, that we did...

QUINN: (Oblivious to Krystal's weariness, barrels on:) Oh, and Lilith had laid out some tasty, low-fat snacks for us, with our favorite diet sodas an' stuff, and I brought some really radical outfits! The rest of the Fashion Club should be really pleased! Sandi had given me some money because she had wanted that exclusive Inniliniolio silk scarf, and they had it, Tiffany, that exclusive Pliplanpioli jacket with her money, and they had it, and Stacy's money took care of those cool, exclusive, Billianioti high-heels, and Reynaldo's had those, too!

DARIA: Bet you can't "exclusively" say those name brands three times in a row--

QUINN: --And it was the best time I ever had in a store! (Suddenly surprises everyone, especially Daria, by lightly hugging Krystal:) You rock, Krystal! Thanks for doing this, again! Wait 'till I tell the others! G'night, guys! (Rushes with her bags inside the mansion's still-open front door to the stares of the others)

DARREN: (Pauses:) Well, ah, it looks like you and Quinn really hit it off, Krystal.

KRYSTAL: (Thought v.o., weak smile: Note: Do not go into any clothing store with that ditzy dynamo diva again, even if you have to beg off...:) Well, yes, we did, Darren. I--(pauses, looks for words:) like Quinn.

DARREN: (Smiles:) Good. She really seems to like you, too. (Pauses, quieter tone:) Thanks for doing that for her, Krystal. (Daria's mouth twists down briefly at this in disapproval, which Krystal subtly notices, and subsequently causes her to grin. Darren thinks it was directed at him)

KRYSTAL: It was my pleasure, Darren. (Looks around:) Is Curtis gone? I didn't see him at the Watley's when I dropped off Juanita and Laflita...

DARREN: Yeah, he just left about 5 minutes ago, in fact. I'm surprised that you didn't run across him. You must've came by another road. We finished our studying for tonight, but he'll be back late Sunday afternoon after Daria and Quinn leave, so we can finish.

KRYSTAL: I see. (Pauses, motions, slight "smile":) Daria, you have the airline info--?

DARIA: (Produces several printed pages, gives to Krystal:) Yeah, I found a lot of comparable prices on the Web. You can use your best judgement in figuring out what to pay Darren.

KRYSTAL: Thanks, Daria. (Looks over the pages for a few moments, raised eyebrows:) From $750 to around $1,500?! (Darren's eyebrows raise as well)

DARREN: What? Let me see those! (Snatches a page or two from a surprised Krystal, examines the pages:) Daria, even I think these prices are a little steep, don't you think? (Krystal narrows her eyes slightly at her)

DARIA: (Slight smirk, innocent tone, shrugs:) Hey, don't blame me if those airline websites are charging an arm and a leg for first-class flights with all of the bells and whistles, like what your jet has. I didn't set the prices. (To Krystal:) You said you wanted something "comparable" in price, and that's what I gave you, right?

KRYSTAL: (After a moment:) Er, yes, I did say that, didn't I?

DARREN: Sorry, sis, you're right. I didn't mean that you "set" the prices per se, it's just I that think they're too much. Weren't there any other sites that had lower rates?

DARIA: (Shakes head:) Nope. Sorry. That's all of them. Nobody's lower than seven-fifty.

DARREN: (Glances at Krystal, cocked eyebrow:) Are you sure you want to pay something, Krystal? You don't have to--

KRYSTAL: (Stares at Daria, smug smile:) --No, I can pay, Darren. How about $800? Will that be satisfactory? (Daria cocks an eyebrow)

DARREN: (Exasperated expression:) Krystal, I--

KRYSTAL: (More insistant, crosses arms:) --Darren, I want to do this, alright? I can afford it.

DARREN: (After a moment, hard sigh:) Fine. However you want to pay is fine with me. (Looks at watch, cocks a very high eyebrow:) Hm--it's almost 12:30, now. (Pauses, glances at Krystal:) Do you want to drive down the road this time of night? You can stay here overnight after calling your parents, if you want. (Daria cocks an mild eyebrow) I'm sure they'd have no problem with your doing so--?

KRYSTAL: (Smiles:) Thank you, but no, Darren, I'll be fine. I can take care of myself, you know. (Darren chuckles. Krystal shows a tiny smirk at Daria:) That reminds me of a story about how some guys tried to really come onto me in a nightclub in Washington, D.C., during a day-long stay, just before we came back from vacation. (Daria's eyes grow ever-so-slightly wide) One of them tried to grope me, but I laid him out flat. His buddies got the message, and they backed off.

DARREN: (Winces:) Ouch. Remind me not to get on your bad side. (Krystal chuckles) Your family was in Washington, D.C. before you came back here? You didn't mention anything about that before. (Daria narrows an eye in suspicion at this as well)

KRYSTAL: (Shrugs, glances at Daria:) Sorry. I didn't think it was too important. My dad wanted to meet some Congressman over his business, or something. I was kind of forced to hang around our folks everywhere we went, right up to that little incident. (Daria frowns slightly as Krystal "laughs":) The irony was that my dad was really worried over how his "Little Girl" couldn't take care of herself, and I had to practically beg him to let me go to the nightclub!

DARIA: (Pauses:) Um, excuse me, but did you say that you went everywhere with your parents? (Krystal gives a slight nod) You weren't allowed to go anywhere at all by yourself during your stay?

KRYSTAL: ("Tired" sigh, shakes head:) No, I'm afraid not, Daria. Like I said, we only stayed a day.

DARIA: (Not about to give up, narrows eyes:) But what about your brother, Rory? Surely he could've gone anywhere with you to at least appease your dad's worries, right? Didn't he, um, stay with you, too?

KRYSTAL: (Snorts, grins:) Please, Daria. Truth be told, I'd rather hang around a cobra than with my big brother. He went his own way to party, and I went mine--(adds:) with my parents. (Daria looks off for an instant, frowns. Krystal shows a tiny, brief smirk, looks between the two:) Well, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving. ("Grins" to Daria:) Good luck again tomorrow, Daria.

DARIA: (Feeling a little downcast, responds in such a tone:) Um, yeah, sure. (Both watch Krystal get into her car, and drive off, then go back inside)

Both siblings said their goodnights to one another, then went into their rooms. Daria frowned to herself once again, puzzled, as she went in.


(Scene Twelve: Daria's room)

The moment Daria entered, she saw Quinn of all people, dressed in her yellow nightgown with the pink bunny, sitting on her bed, her arms crossed, waiting with a serious frown. Daria formed an amused look for a moment, then shut her door, coming over. Quinn stood up.

DARIA: You've certainly changed into your cute little jammies in a heartbeat.

QUINN: (Quick shrug:) I, like, threw off my clothes, and changed really fast, and stuff, and came to your room as quick as I could to wait.

DARIA: I see. (Playful tone:) Wow, either you must have really been in such a hurry because you were planning on getting some tips on copying my room's style, since you're so bored now with your's, or you're afraid of having a fashion-induced nightmare from your shopping spree, and want to sleep with your big sister to keep the nasty fashion boogeyman away.

QUINN: (Makes a face, shudders:) Ewww on both counts, Daria! No freakin' way! (Regains control of herself, serious tone:) Look, I braved coming into your weird room to wait for you so I could ask what you and Krystal spoke about earlier. (Pauses, eager look:) It was about the "Sty Lark" stuff, right, (smirks:) 'cause it sure as hell wasn't about what clothes Trent and his group could wear, even though she did buy some stuff for them--

DARIA: (Brief smirk:) Ahhh, so you did figure it out. Yeah, we did. I baited her, but she didn't bite.

QUINN: (Frowns, perplexed:) You two--fished in your room? (Looks around:) How? I don't see any water in here--

DARIA: (Rolls eyes, sighs:) --No, Quinn. I mean, I tried to trick her into saying she was "Sty Lark", with my even telling her out-and-out about how Tom and I found out, but she still didn't give herself away. (Pauses:) Given what else I just heard from her, I think we're gonna have to start over from square one, though I'm still gonna call her parents before we leave, just to make sure...

QUINN: (Cocks eyebrow:) Huh? "Call her parents to make sure"? What do you mean, Daria? What else from Krystal did you hear tonight?

DARIA: (Glances at her alarm clock, weary look:) Quinn, can't this wait until tomorrow? It's practically the early morning, and I have to be at Appleton Tower before 10:00 a.m., at least--

QUINN: (Holds arms out, pleads:) Daaaarrria! C'mooo--on! You can sleep in the limo on the way there, and everything! It won't take that long to tell me, would it? I, like, braved comin' in here, so at least you can tell me what that sneaky Krystal's up to, and stuff!

DARIA: (Raised eyebrow, pauses:) "Sneaky" Krystal? I thought you two had suddenly become buddies after that little hugfest outside, not to mention that you seemed to support Krystal's decision to drag Darren into school politics, which I figured she did to take some of Darren's time away from Jane, (pauses, adds:) and maybe us.

QUINN: (Snorts, rolls eyes:) Please, Daria. I'm not stupid, you know. (Daria appears to be about to say something sarcastic. Quinn gives her a warning look, cuts her off:) Don't you dare say anything, Daria, remember our "pact"!

DARIA: (Resigned sigh, crosses her arms:) Go on.

QUINN: Anyway, I just did that to give Krystal the impression that I really like her. I still don't trust her. (Grins wickedly:) I even, like, deliberately ran her into the ground at Reynaldo's when we all tried on just about everything. I'll bet she won't go with me anytime soon in a clothes store! Hah!

DARIA: (Shocked expression, for her:) You're kidding.

QUINN: (Proud look, smirks, shakes head:) Nope! As for Darren becoming president of his class, it had nothing to do with Krystal, even though she "drafted" him. I really think he'd make a good president, and everything. Besides, Darren didn't have to accept it, but since he did, I support him, (shrugs:) and he did add that he'd try to change the schedule of the student council meetings to Mondays, so he won't lose any time with us or Jane.

DARIA: (Long pause, now stares at Quinn with an actual amount of respect:) Well, you sure fooled me with your little act--(pauses, adds:) and apparently Darren, too. He thinks you and Krystal are getting along real chummy-like.

QUINN: (Pauses, raised eyebrows:) He is? (Tiny pained expression, looks down, slumps:) Oh, great. It's bad enough that I haveta pretend to like Krystal, but to haveta fool our brother into thinking that I like her makes me feel even worse.

DARIA: (Very rare, sympathetic look to Quinn, pauses, quieter tone:) Look, um, don't feel too guilty, Quinn. Like you, I feel kinda bad for holding that stuff about "Sty Lark" from him, but until we get real proof, I don't have a choice. Also, Darren's just hoodwinked by Krystal, like a lot of people are around here.

QUINN: (Slumps, nods head:) Yeah, that's true. (Thought v.o.: Well, at least she hasn't fooled Fiona and Elenor...)

DARIA: One day, I'm sure she'll slip up, and he and everyone else will hopefully see her for what she really is--(pauses, slight frown:) though I think Krystal's really sincere about her brother's treatment of women, especially since she's one. I saw how concerned she was when you expressed your worry over Stacy and Rory.

QUINN: (Snorts, looks off:) Yeah--right. I'll bet she probably encourages Rory to go after all girls. (Daria really looks surprised) Well, just as long as he doesn't go after Stacy, and she Darren, then I don't care what they do--(quickly adds:) save, um, for Krystal going after Trent, that is. (Casual shrug:) I, like, think even he can do better, and everything, for some reason, and stuff.

DARIA: (Raised eyebrows, impressed tone:) Wow, my ears did not deceive me. Jane might be so happy when I tell her, she'll actually hug you to death, as opposed to you doing that to her a few weeks ago over her painting of you and Darren.

QUINN: (Wide-eyed, realizes, quickly ponders that image:) DARIA, NO! Don't you DARE tell her that! (Pleading look:) Promise! (Pauses:) Pleeeease?

DARIA: (Mona Lisa smile:) You're begging. (Pauses, special emphasis:) I like that. (Quinn glares. Daria sighs:) Fine, I promise not to say anything to Jane. I'll take the solice from your disapproval of Krystal with Trent as adequate compensation. (Quinn looks relieved. Daria shows a small frown, ponders:) Quinn, call me sorta crazy, but is there something more about Krystal that you know? (Quinn now returns her very surprised look) You seem to really be turned off by her--

QUINN: (Covers:) Huh? No, no, of course not, Daria! I just don't like her, that's all!

DARIA: (Long stare at Quinn, as if she's trying to read her:) Ooookay. (Pauses, sighs:) Well, since we've both been uncharacteristically generous to each other so far, I'll tell you about my talk with Krystal and what else I found out before we turn in. (Pauses, slight frown:) If I fall asleep tomorrow in that meeting, I will kill you...


(Scene Thirteen: The Appleton Tower, the 23rd floor, the next morning)

Daria stared wordlessly in the wall-spanning mirror of the ornate, windowless, corporate women's washroom, her small new green bookbag she had purchased in Lawndale containing the notes she had acquired for her writing job leaning against the mirror on the white marble counter. She had just finished washing and drying her face to refresh herself because she was still tired, not so much as from staying up until almost 1:00 a.m. to tell Quinn about her talk with Krystal, but rather worried about this morning, getting little sleep. Amy still had not called at all as of yet, and Daria suspected (more like knew) that Jane was probably still asleep at home, and Daria didn't want to disturb her. Daria had to resign herself to facing today with uncertainty, alone.

Darren had eaten breakfast with her after he had taken his daily jog (Quinn was planning to sleep late, of course, and eat in her room), and although he didn't say anything to her more about today, Daria could see a slight worry etched on his face while they dined, almost as if he were examining her. Unlike last night, Daria was determined not to appear solemn this morning to let him know that something was wrong, immediately diving into her usual sarcasm about today, while looking forward "eagerly" to the meeting. Darren seemed placated, though Daria couldn't be completely sure. Darren may have tried to play off his worry, and that would make me feel more worried. There goes that damn, lousy, pesky brotherly concern, along with a dash of damn, lousy, pesky self-guilt, and that damn, lousy, pesky, lack of self-confidence. Daria scowled at her reflection. You know, all of this damn, lousy, pesky, damn, lousy, pesky stuff's beginning to wear me down...

Daria suddenly shook her head quickly as she continued to stare at the mirror, disgusted. The hell with this. I don't think I'll be able to do the damn job, not with this guilt that's weighing me down. Darren will probably feel disappointed in me like Constance, and I know my mom will, but I'd rather have their disappointment and my integrity than a job that I don't think I deserve because I'm related to Darren. I might as well at least go to the meeting, hear the pitch, then just tell Mr. Juarez on the side afterwards that I'm gonna turn down the job. There. I feel better.

Daria paused, stared at the mirror, then looked miserable. Not...

At that moment, a teenaged, short-haired blond girl, dressed in a conservative-looking light blue blouse and white dress slacks, walked in, coming over to the mirror beside Daria. She wordlessly cut her eyes over to Daria, slightly smirking, but saying nothing. Daria returned the glance through the mirror, keeping silent as well. The girl then reached in a small white handbag she had brought with her, and pulled out a tube of lipstick, uncapping it. After a quick glance in the mirror, she began to carefully apply her reddish-orange lipstick. Daria resumed staring ahead in the mirror.

GIRL: (After a moment, while applying the lipstick, peppy tone:) Hi.

DARIA: (Cuts eyes over:) Um, hi.

GIRL: You know, it's none of my business, but I don't think your reflection's going to answer you back anytime soon.

DARIA: (Sarcastic:) I know. (Pauses, glances at her reflection:) It's waiting for me to answer it.

GIRL: (Laughs so hard, she quickly removes her lipstick so as not to smear her face:) Hey, that's pretty funny! (Pauses, smirks:) Are you here for that little get-together with Mr. Juarez down the hall?

DARIA: (Weak smirk:) Uh, yeah, I'm afraid so. (Pauses:) You?

GIRL: (While pressing her lips together, looking in the mirror:) Guilty as charged. (Replaces top on her tube of lipstick, puts back in handbag, turns to Daria, holds out hand:) Addie Jenkins.

DARIA: (Takes her hand, shakes it:) Daria Morgendorffer.

ADDIE: (Releases hand, slight frown:) Daria Morgendorffer--? (Pauses, brightens:) Waitasec--aren't you that cute hunk Darren Appleton's baby sister, part of his birth family that he found after all of those years?

DARIA: (Uncomfortable expression, thought v.o.: Well, what do you know, I didn't get under her radar, like everyone else's...:) Um, yeah. Actually, I'm not his "baby" sister. That honor goes to Quinn Morgendorffer, my younger sister. I'm his middle sister.

ADDIE: Oh, sorry, my bad. (Pauses:) So, um, why are you coming to the TeenLife magazine meeting?

DARIA: (Cocks eyebrow:) What do you mean? I'm there as a teenaged writer to the magazine, like you are.

ADDIE: Oh. (Pauses, shrugs, in a casual tone:) I just find it kinda hard to believe that you'd need to work, since you, you know, have a really rich brother, that's all.

DARIA: (Narrows eyes, now offended:) Excuse me? What does my brother having money have to do with me? For your information, I want to be here! I've earned that right, since I'm a writer, by my own merits, long before I even knew I had Darren Appleton as a brother! I don't need to live off his money, if that's what you're implying!

ADDIE: (Holds hands up in front of her, placating tone:) Okay, okay, whatever you say, geez! No need to sound so postal! (Throws nose up in a huff, turns, walks away)

Daria looked after her with a scowl, then paused, surprised at her outburst. Did you really just bite her head off in defending yourself, Morgendorffer? Shouldn't you have patted her on the back, and said she was right? Why in the hell did I do that? Is it possible that I might just want to do this? Daria looked at her watch and sighed. 9:55. Five minutes 'till my judgement day. Might as well get it over with... Daria quietly took her bookbag and slung it over her right shoulder, then exited.


(Scene Fourteen: The hallway)

Daria was making her way to the meeting room, when two people, a short, stout, gray-haired man and a middle-aged, thin woman, suddenly exited from elevator doors from the left side in front of her, followed by two serious-looking security guards. The man and woman were seemingly smiling--or, as Daria casually observed as she stopped to step aside for the quartet to walk by, smirking. The man spoke.

MAN: (Sneers:) I don't see why you two have to follow us. We're just going to clear out our offices!

SECURITY GUARD #1: You know very well why, Mr. Gold. Ms. Waters gave us specific orders to personally escort fired employees to be sure they leave the company's premises after clearing out their offices.

WOMAN: (Chuckles disdainfully:) Oh, come on. Constance's just afraid that we'd steal company secrets, isn't she?

SECURITY GUARD #2: We're not at liberty to say that, Mrs. Teely. (Pauses, scowls:) Then again, maybe if we haven't discovered that you and Mr. Gold hadn't tried to do just that last week, (Daria cocks an eyebrow) we wouldn't be here.

MRS. TEELY: (Snorts:) That's just an allegation, and you know it!

MR. GOLD: Oh, don't you pay them no mind, Kristen. They can't prove anything. (Smug look:) We're going off to greener pastures, while Appleton Industries is going off to the dogs--(grins:) something William would've never allowed, right, my dear?

MRS. TEELY: (Returns grin:) You've got that right, Ben, you've got that, right. (Adds, sneers:) And what's worse, his "nephew" is sitting high on the hog, ready to drive the company further into the ground after Constance either retires, or croaks. (Pauses, frowns in disgust:) Spoiled brat...

Daria scowled after them upon hearing that last crack about Darren, stopping at the door where her meeting was scheduled. She watched the quartet go through a door on the far opposite end of the hallway, more than likely where the two now-fired employee's offices were. Jerks. No doubt these are some of the loyal "followers" of William Appleton Darren was talking about. And what's really crappy about it is that they'll still get their generous severence pay if it can't be proven they tried to steal the company's secrets. Where in the hell is Murphy when you need him? Shaking her head to rid herself of that thought, Daria opened the door, and walked in.


(Scene Fifteen: The meeting room)

Daria slowly scanned the long, narrow, rectangular room as she allowed the door to close behind her. On her left side, she immediately noticed a mirror that took up the entire side of the wall, with a door that was also mirrored. There was a tinted glass window wall on the side opposite of her, showing the impressive Manhattan skyline. In the middle of the creme-colored, white carpeted room, a black marble rectangular table sat, surrounded by ten chairs, eight of which had teenagers of various races and genders sitting in them, including Addie, who smirked when she spotted Daria, then wordlessly motioned to the other teens, who turned, and saw her. Two of the teens rolled their eyes, three stared at her, smirking, and the other three simply smiled. Daria spotted an empty seat near the end of the table, by the other empty one at the head of the table.

Daria slowly closed her eyes for a moment, then sighed, walking over to the empty seat, which was beside one of the teens that smiled at her, a small, but slightly muscular in tone Asian-American girl. Great. Just great. Addie's wasted no time in turning the others against me, more than likely telling them that I'm Darren's sister, and that I've gotten this job only because I'm related to him. My nightmare is starting to come true. Wonder what she and the others would think if they knew that Constance gave me this job because she thought that she "owed" me? I'm sure that would go over well with my fellow writers...

As Daria sat down and removed her bookbag, Addie suddenly spoke, sneering.

ADDIE: (Stands:) Well, here she is, everyone! The girl who got this job by being the blood kin of our psuedo-boss, Darren Appleton, (in a mocking, "introductory" voice:) Daaaaaaria Morgendorffeeeer! (The teens who had smirked began to mock-clap and whistle, joined by one of the teens who had rolled their eyes. Daria frowns at Addie. The Asian-American girl who sat beside Daria immediately stands, frowning)

GIRL: Hey, "Addie", is it? Why don't you lay off her? She hasn't done anything to you! (Daria glances at the girl, surprised)

ADDIE: Ooo! Are we trying to suck up to the sister of the pseudo-boss already, "Lei"?

LEI: Oh, why don't you go blow it out your ear, Addie? I've barely met you, and I'm already beginning to have a real dislike for you, so why don't you sit the hell down over there before I leap over this table, and kick your ass? (Some of the teens say "Ooooo!". Addie stares at Lei for an instant, seemingly unsure, then sits down wordlessly. The other writers then talk amongst themselves, occasionally glancing at Lei and Daria)

Lei glared at Addie as she herself sat down, then turned to Daria, smiling.

LEI: Sorry about blowing up like that. (Offers hand, which Daria takes:) Lei Chen.

DARIA: (Releases hand:) And as you undoubtedly know, Daria Morgendorffer. (Small smile:) That's okay about the blow up. It seems like your little "explosion" at Addie did the trick by knocking her back a few feet. (Pauses:) Um, thanks for sticking up for me.

LEI: You're welcome. That "Addie" and the others had no right to jump on you like that. The moment she came in here, she starting telling us all about you, and your "connections". (Glares at Addie:) How somebody like that was chosen to write for this magazine baffles the hell out of me. (The other two teens who smiled when Daria walked in, both boys, get up, and come around the table to them. Lei scowls:) You guys aren't going to razz Daria, are you, because if you are--

BOY #1: (African-American, holds up hand:) Hey, ease up, uh, "Lei"! We're on your side! (Holds hand out, which Daria shakes, releases:) Name's Glenn. Glenn Pierce.

BOY #2: (White, blond, "geeky-looking", wearing glasses almost as large as Daria's, holds out hand, which Daria shakes, releases:) And I'm, uh, Otis. Otis Meyer. (Pauses, awed tone:) Gosh, you are that girl who's related to that "Darren" guy, aren't you? I've seen you on TV, and everything!

DARIA: (Resigned look, but a bit of her old sarcasm's returning, smirks:) Yeah, I'm "that girl", though I'm afraid I'm not exactly in Marlo Thomas-Donahue's class. (The others chuckle, save for Otis, who seems to be staring at Daria a little dreamily)

The next moment, a tall, thin-mustached, Hispanic-American man, dressed in a crisp blue suit and white shirt and tie, entered from the mirrored door, smiling. The mumuring promptly ceased, and Glenn and Otis immediately went to their seats. Otis stole another dreamy glance at Daria as he sat down.

MAN: (Sits down in the remaining empty seat. In a deep, rich, "Richardo Montalban" type of voice, smiles, though it seems a bit forced:) Good morning, everyone, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Hector Juarez, the editor. Welcome to the first meeting of the new teen writers of TeenLife magazine. You have come from all of the corners of our nation, chosen because of your outstanding writing skills, according to your teachers, and your local newspapers. All of you have earned the right to be here, as a result. (Daria once again looks uncomfortable out of guilt, which a smirking Addie notices. Lei catches this, and scowls at Addie) Like you, I'm new to this job, having been hired only on this past Monday. (Chuckles:) You know, technically, you've all been at this magazine a little longer than I have. (Pauses, smirks:) You have seniority over me. (Some of the teens, like Otis, chuckle. Others, including Daria, Lei, and Glenn, merely stare at him stoically. Mr. Juarez apparently doesn't notice, goes on:) Now that we've broken the ice, I'd like to ask everyone to officially introduce themselves...

Go to Part 3