"If I can't leave this Godforsaken town and go to college, no one will! Ha, ha, ha, ha-ha!"

No name given.

This unfortunate girl lived in Lawndale back in the 50's, in a house two blocks from the current Morgendorffer residence. Legend has it that her father built a bomb shelter, where she took shelter from her family one night in order to complete an essay for early admission into college (her family was driving her nuts in various ways). Unfortunately, her father got it into his head to seal off the shelter with cement the very next day, and the girl was entombed with shelves and shelves of canned goods and no can opener.

Her lifelong dream of getting out of Lawndale thus quashed, the girl presumably died and her spirit remained in the house and ruined the homework of all subsequent occupants, thus making it impossible for them to leave Lawndale either.

The story of the House of Bad Grades is related by Jane. The characters are represented by the Morgendorffers, with Daria in the main role.


First Appearance: Legends of the Mall