The Sound of Music

Song Parodies

A parody of the song "Alley Oop" created by Crossada the White. Truly inspired!

Ode to Daria
A parody of "Those Were The Days" by mizerychik, dedicated to all the great Daria memories we share. *sniff* It's just so beautiful.

A song parody written by Kemical Reaxion, for Quinn fans everywhere (or people who just like to make fun of her). Britney Spears, eat your heart out!

Daria Makes Me Want To Smoke Crack
Written by Mr. Maddog. A parody on Beck's song "MTV Makes Me Want To Smoke Crack." Funny as heck, even if you've never heard the song before!

Original Songs

Rhymes With Lane
Some who frequent the Paperpusher's Message Board may remember a spell of rampant rhyming that took place long ago. Well, out of the ashes of that lengthy thread came a hilarious new Mystik Spiral song, written by Wouter Jaegers, capturing some of those great rhymes forever!!

Mystik Spiral: Songs In Fan Fiction
The much anticipated (by at least 2 people) collection of Mystik Spiral song lyrics written by the fans for the fans! Read the Spiral lyrics that never made it to MTV!

Tom the Musical: Evil Tom
A song written by John Berry in answer to the "Is Tom Evil?" arguement common in the Daria community. Not to be taken seriously!

Songs from the Show

Happy Herb Guitar Tab
Learn to play the greatest song ever written by Trent Lane: The Happy Herb commercial jingle! Guitar tab written by Firah.